Chapter 3 - confusion

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Grayson's POV
I never show my emotions. Never. But I shed a tear today without anybody noticing. All the things I saw kept running through my head. It keeps happening. I seriously thought that I was gonna have a meltdown

I wanted to know who it was

Why are they doing this

What have I done?!

These questions are going through my head...this has been going on  for weeks I have no idea who it or why they are doing this I mean what have I ever done?

Is it just one person

Are there more?

Will it stop?

Are they at my school?

Will they physically hurt me?

I was so scared I had no idea what to do

I did keep this secret from Ethan for a while he didn't know anything but there was one thing that stood out to me and it hurt me a lot

"Your uncle is a dick he never loved you"

My uncle was the only person I trusted with anything and that was the comment that really got to me.

I just hoped things wouldn't get worse

I saw people staring at me when I  was going down the corridor. I kept my head down, I could feel them staring me down

Maybe it was the whole school? Did they all hate me?


I decided to run out of the school to the court. That what we called it. By we I mean Ethan me and Ryan. I ran as fast as I could till I heard my name right before I reached the school gates. Great.

I turned to see Ryan and Ethan standing there as I was panting and wanting to cry. I decided to keep walking but I couldn't I was standing there and I couldn't move. My vision started getting blurry as my eyes were tearing up and the tears soon were down my checks they were just pouring. I couldn't stop I started hyperventilating.

I reached for the ground trying to get my breath as I was struggling to breath I had no idea what was happening.

I saw Ethan running towards me and picking me up. Looks like my anxiety has gotten the better of me

"He's having a panic attack go get help!"

I slowly started to get my breath back and starting to calm down. Mainly because of Ethan telling me to breathe

In for two....out for for two...out for two

I slowly started to stand up. I wiped away my tears and the nurse was running towards us.

"Grayson, are you alright"

"I'm fine now just had a small panic attacks nothing big"

"Well what triggered it darling"

"I was just worried about some homework" I lied...sounded believable

"You seem to be alright now" she said scanning my face,"Do you want to stay?"

"No I'll go home" I said that with a crack in my voice.

Home. Where is home
*skip to house*

I entered my house and I stopped in my tracks. He was standing there. My uncle. After 5 long years there he was. I dropped my bag and walked slowly towards him. He was no different than the last time I saw him. His purple shirt and jeans and his timberland boots and black frame glasses.

I walked up to him holding my arms out away to hug him. He did the same. I was away to start running to him until I felt a hand on my shoulder

"Gray? What're you doing buddy?"

I turn around to see Cameron holding my shoulder

"Uncle is right there! Can't you see him?"

She looked at there I was pointing to and gave me a blank look

"Get him a coffee! You know how he likes it, milk with two-"

"Gray...there's nobody there" she interrupted

I turn around and she's right...he disappeared

" but.....I swear he...was right here" I felt my voice crack

Cameron pulled me into a hug. The one thing I needed right now. She then took me to the living room and we started talking. I told her I was sent home from the nurse because I felt ill. Once she heard that she ran and got blankets for me and put the TV on.  She knew how to take care of me.

"Mom will be home soon, I'll tell her about school."

"NO!" I screamed

"She got a fright,"well,why not?"

"I will tell her don't mention anything about today please,!"

She nodded and left the room

Ethan's POV

I sat in class wondering what has happened to Grayson. I hope someone is taking care of him at's not like him to be panicking over nothing, or panicking at all for that matter. My leg started shaking I couldn't concentrate on anything the teacher was saying. I was in a dark place thinking of anything that could have cause Grayson to do that. Was it someone at school? Were they bothering him? I haven't seen anyone and plus he's always with me and couldn't have been at home. Everyone was there for him and supporting him. Can't be about  our uncle jees he wasn't this obsessed about him. Something has really gotten to him recently and I'm gonna find out what.

The bell rang I quickly got up and walked to my last class. Any minute now I know my mom will come home and she will know what to do with gray. If he doesn't tell her then I will.  And I know for a fact that he won't say. He's been keeping things to himself recently I mean I tell him everything, I don't have any secrets from him, I feel kinda hurt by the fact he hasn't told me something. He may just need some time and space then he will let me know.

I stumble through to English and j see Gracie sitting by herself. I decided to sit next to her. I walked over and I smiled at her. She smiled back. I was away to ask if I could sit next to her but I got interrupted by Mrs. Phillips

"Ethan your mother is at the office she wants you down there as soon as possible "

I didn't even reply to her I stormed out the classroom and down the stairs and started running. I ran to the office and burst through the doors to see my mum talking to the principle and they both turn around to look at me

I gave them a worried look and they gave me it back. Something must have happened

"Ethan..what's happened to gray?"

"To b honest mom...I wish I could tell you"


Well I can remember this like it was yesterday haha.

They're all making a big fuss out of nothing

Hell be fine ;)

Sorry guys it's been a long time hahah been really busy this last year

I will be posting more got a couple chapters coming your way😉

Hope you enjoy this chapter

Expect one soon

See ya

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