Chapter 4 - explination

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Cameron's POV
I wanted to phone mom and call her and just her everything that has happened. I have to stay loyal to Grayson though. I trust him and I know he will her her. Eventually. I walked away to get medicine after he told me not to say anything. I got some paracetamol and a drink of water. I had to read the packet to see how much he has to take and it took me a while. The writing is so small. I popped out two white powdery circles and walked though to him and placed them on the ground. He was sleeping. I decided to wake him up gently. He was underneath all his blankets.

"Grayson, you have pills to take."

I removed the covers and saw pillows. I gasped

He's gone

Ethans POV
I couldn't understand I couldn't put the pieces together because there were pieces missing.

In summary the principle asked me to look out for anyone who could be potentially bullying Grayson. I did tell them that nobody was because the only people he hangs out with are me and Ryan, but I told them I would do it because I'm worried about him too.

My mom decided to leave and I asked if there was any point of me staying in school because there was now only 20 minutes left.

"You need your education Ethan, you'll be staying here" my mom replied

"I won't be missing out on anything though"

"Ethan go back to class please" the principle then asks

I then walked away back to class..I then realise I still don't have a seat..someone was probably already sitting next to Gracie. Damn. As I walked up the stairs I heard someone coming down them. I put my head down and hands in my pockets until I heard my name


I look up to see Ryan at the top of the stairs

"Bro what you doing?"

"I've ditched last period wanna join?"

"Seriously?!?! That's not like you?"

"Bro it's English what am I gonna miss out on?"

I laughed then joined him for the next 10 minutes of school just wandering down the halls. Neither of us decided to bring up about Grayson I guess that's a good thing I didn't want Ryan looking for bullies as well because gray wouldn't like us like spying on him cause...well..ya know ...that's weird. I wouldn't be happy is someone was spying on me, looking for people and watching them pick on me.

The bell eventually went and me and Ryan raced to the front door. As I got there first I had the opportunity to see if my mother decided to wait for me and fortunately she did. I walk up to my car

"Can we give Ryan a lift too?"

"Um sweetheart I was wondering if we could take a ride...I need to talk to you"

"Yeah sure"

I then turn around and wave to Ryan who waved back and headed on home. I hopped in the car and buckled up. My mom started to drive away.

Silence. I had no idea what to say. I sat there feeling very awkward and stared out the window.

"So this whole thing with Grayson tell me what happened"

"Gray was his usual self all day until I would say just before lunch? Ryan came and told me just before class started that there was something wrong with gray so I went to find him and he looked like he was heading out the school, so, I decided to stop him and he fell to the ground and was out of breathe, he was panicking about something, Ryan went to get the nurse whilst i calmed gray down and then the nursed asked if he wanted to stay and gray headed home instead"

"Right, he said he was panicking about homework, according to the nurse but I have no idea what's going on with him. He doesn't panic about homework he always gets it done unlike you sir." She then turns and gives me a look," unless he's actually not got homework done then he was lying."

"But he's not the one to lie either"

"No he's not, it's just not like him to have a panic attack in school, or anywhere"

"Yeah that's quite true"

"The principle is going to look out for Grayson too but he's gonna need help, that's why he asked you, we just don't want this happening again."

"Yeah I understand."

We then talked for about another hour and decided to head home. As we were driving I then asked her

"Um, mom, how did you know about Grayson?"

She turned the car and reversed into the driveway.she stopped the car, put the hand break on, unbuckled her but and turned to me.

"The school phoned me, told me that something happened to gray and they wanted to discuss it with me."

"So you haven't been home"

"no why"

"Who's been looking after gray"

Just then Cameron came out. I felt a sigh of relief escape from me

She then knocked on the window and she looked angry. Mom opens the window and before she could say anything nice Cameron shouts


"Cameron darling what's-"

"HES GONE I CANT FIND HIM ANYWHERE! YOU DIDNT ANSWER THE PHONE" she cried, tests streaming down her face.

Me and mom looked at each other. I held back my tears.
Cameron took a couple of breathes to calm her down

"I've called the police in checked with and neighbours to see if any of them have say him I've just done everything I can think of. But it's hard to think when you've lost your little brother."

"You didn't loose him sweetheart don't worry, we will find him. When did you realise that he left?"

"About an hour and a half ago?"

I blanked out of the conversation at this point thinking of any place he might have gone to. A place where it would take an hour and a half to walk to. I couldn't think straight. All I could think about was that my brother. My best friend.the one person I could trust in this world, is missing

Gray sons POV

"Where have you taken me?"

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