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(A/N here's a treat :) )


Vanessa POV

When we arrived at camp Cruz placed me gently on a chair and walked into a caravan with his dad I knew things weren't good. I could hear the back and forth arguing and all I could think is I caused that. I'm so stupid why did I have to prove myself I just wanted to disappear when the person that I wanted to prove wrong in the first place approached me.

"Hey can we sit next to you",Kyle and Cindy both said both pulling out a chair.

"Yea sure", I said trying to be social in the worst of times.

"Look, Vanessa I'm really sorry I didn't think you where that inexperienced in the surf", she said reminding me of the the past events.

"Honestly it fine, I just-",I couldn't shake the raising voices coming from the caravan.

"You just can't help but keep thinking if my dad and Cruz are okay in there", Kyle finally spoke up I guess I was that transparent.

"Yea, I mean it was my fault why does Cruz punished? Why not me? What's taking them so long if they are not done in five minutes Im going in", I was getting extremely anxious.

" I know but ever since that accident dad is very cautious about this stuff"', Kyle said with him and Cindy exchanging glances.

"WHAT's going on someone better explain", now was not the time to be with holding information from me.

"Um well about the time me and Cruz where going out are families went camping together" ,she said somehow those words stung like nothing I've experienced.

"Yea, yea nothing new I don't know there you told me remember", yea more like you bragged each day till the trip but know I think about she never told me what happened.

"Yea well he took me surfing and I thought it would be fun to go surfing near the rocks. See Cruz really didn't want to go but I talked him into it anyway and well we where surfing and Cruz got stuck in a swell and hit his head on a rock and......", I could see the tears forming in her emerald green eyes I quickly moved over and put my arm around her shoulder.

"Yea well um he hit the rock and went under. I called his name a million times but he never answered so I swam out and finally found him but he had no pulse so i don't know how but I performed CPR and luckily he is still here today. So that's when he saw you I guess he freaked out.", I couldn't believe I never had been informed about this information. I didn't have long to ponder not that thought because the caravan door flew open and Cruz with it.

"CRUZ, come back here", John called after him but he didn't even glance back.

I quickly rose to my feet, " let me handle", I said to John and chased after Cruz.

"Hey wait up", I said once I was close to him.


I looked behind metro the source of the voice it was Vanessa I stood still so she could catch up.

"Jeez .......... You.......... Run............ Really...........Fast, she said regaining breath after every word.

" Yea I didn't know anyone was following me, why are you here?" I really was wondering.

"To say sorry for getting you into trouble and to see if you are okay", I could tell she was felt as crap as I did right now.

" Hey don't worry about that its a long story" I said not wanting to share the details.

"Yea I know she told me" she said.

"Yea don't worry about that, INFACT I want to show u something" I scooped her hand into mine and guided the way for her. Praying that my hand didn't get sweaty in this moist air.

"Now your going to cover your eyes so your gonna need to trust me" I told her not trying to sound like a creep"

"Okay..." I could almost hear the uncertain cries of terror in her voice"

I scooped her up in my arms as she shut her eyes

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2013 ⏰

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