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As The credits were about to finish,I looked down to see if Alexis was awake,and as I did,she was looking at me with a small grin on her face."How long have you been awake?" I chuckled."Eh,not too long" she said lifting her head up.I was so hungry,that I ate the taco bell I purchased in the middle of the movie.My breath probably smelled like salsa.
As we headed towards the exit,I saw that Alexis was on her phone .I gave her a little nudge on her shoulder to indicate that we were near the stores.We walked around for a while then left.Alexis' friend somewhat ditched,so I decided to drop her off.Ethan came with Dakota,so he was no longer my problem."So,how did you like the movie?" She asked "it was alright I guess" I replied."I shouldve stayed up Mann" she whined.It was sort of silent throughout the ride,but just then,it started to rain."Crap" I murmured.There was traffic as well. It took us about 12 minutes to get past the traffic and into our neighborhood. We passed four house s and made it to Alexis' house.We waited for the rain to die down,but it didn't. It just got worse.There was lightning and thunder booming.Alexis and I went on pur phones until the lightning went away.I decided to get down with her.
We made a run for it.We both almost slipped ,but regained balance after.We made it to her front door and she insisted that we sit outside on her porch swing for a while.

Alexis' POV

After the mall day,I couldn't help but look out the window and smile.Smile about what Grayson has done for me recently.I think that I was falling in love with him.
As we were swinging,we started to converse about how gloomy it was. We had such a beautiful day, but the rain had to make it seem so horrible
. A few minutes later, Grayson and I were both talking about how messed up Dakota was."Just don't mind her." Grayson said"yeah,I'll try but we have a game tomorrow,so she'll probably try to sabotage me or something"I replied.Grayson scooted closer towards me for who knows what.I could see him staring at me through my peripheral vision.I didn't know what was going on in his little mind of his.

Grayson's POV

She looked beautiful,with the rain droplets in her hair and the shimmery green in her eyes.I asked her if it was time to go in and she agreed.She unlocked the door and said goodbye.After that ,there was an awkward silence .She stared at me with a grin and I did the same.I couldn't help,but kiss her.
A few seconds later,she pulled away for a gasp of air.She gave me a hug,and nuzzled her head into my shoulder and let go.Our eyes locked and we just stood there smiling.She later said goodbye and I did the same.I walked towards the car with a grin on my face.

Alexis' POV
Whoah.Did Grayson Dolan just kiss me?Omf he tasted tasted like a taco..
I walked in,closed the door and slid down against it,thinking about how great this Sunday went.I later went upstairs and texted Jeanette about all the details .

Jeanette: whoah!you kissed him?!that fast?Lex yous got gameee.And speaking of which,we have one tomorrow.
Alexis:Well first of all,he kissed me.Second of all,Dakota might do something to me tomorrow.
Jeanette:Don't worry about her.She'll eventually get bad luck soon.What comes around goes around.
Alexis:k,I'll keep that in mind.Good night J.
[End of conversation]

I looked at the time on my phone,and it was 8:42 . I had to sleep early because of school tomorrow.Time went by sooo fast.I was probably on my phone for an hour or two.I closed my eyes,and fell asleep.

Grayson's POV

I stared at my beige ceiling for about 6 seconds."damn" I murmured."what?"Ethan asked."Nothing. So how was your day?"I asked with little to no concern."It was awesome! You see,Dakota and I. we.."his words trailed as I slowly began to fall asleep.

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