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{ WEDNESDAY - 3:56 PM }

I woke up late afternoon at around 3-4 o' clock to the aroma of brownies filling my room.I shot my head up,and made my way towards the kitchen to find my mom baking chocolate chip brownies."Want one?" My mom asked as I came by.

"Yuss" I replied awkwardly.

"Oh,you can go ahead and bring some to the
Dolans down the street if you'd like." She said as I took a bite ."Sure" .I had crumbs and chocolate at the corners of my lips making me look like a pig.I am definitely not going to their house looking like this I thought to myself.I ran upstairs with another brownie in hand,and devoured it on my way up.I washed my face and brushed my teeth to get rid of any chocolate on my teeth.

I checked myself,and I looked pretty decent ,so I went out with a dozen brownies and rode my penny board to their house.It was 4:11 so the boys must be home from school ,but I was surprised to see that no one was there.I went up to the porch just to be sure,and rang their door bell.A few seconds later Cameron opens up the door (a/n:Incase you didn't know,Cam is their older sister ) .

"Hey Alex.The boys went with my parents to go shopping for formal clothes for some wedding.And they won't be back for another hour or so." " But for the mean time,I could help you eat those Brownies." She said giggling."Oh,these were for you guys actually.Dig in" I said as I handed her the dozen."You could stick around if you'd like,but if not,then I could give you a call when they come back."She insisted." I'm pretty sure I have your number on our land line." "And here.Grayson wanted you to join us this weekend " she said as she handed me a card.

It was an invitation.I opened it up and it read :You are cordially invited to the wedding of Viola Amour and Jack Dolan on November 14,2015 at 8:00 am -1:00pm .Hope to see you there.(a/n: fictional relatives) I then saw a handwritten part at the bottom .It said :

Hey,about our date,I though that this was the perfect thing to do.But if you think otherwise ,then we could do something else.I Love you.


I thanked Cameron and walked out.I might as well help my mom with the house while my dad's working. He was in the Army,which meant that I could only see him on certain days,because of deployment and drills.That sucked,but as long as I have my mom or at least someone to look after me,then I'm fine.

I put my skateboard on the ground and stashed the invitation into my pocket,then pushed off.I decided to hang out at the park for a while because I wouldn't be caught doing anything interesting at home anyway.
And as I made my way to the gate entrance,I saw Jeanette with a boy."Hey J." I greeted.

"Oh hey.Wait wait wait,come here real quick.So,I heard about you and Gray.Going steady,and whoah,your leg looks good as new." She said as she glanced at me.

"Yep" "Oh,I'm going to Texas tomorrow for a month.My Grandma isn't feeling great right now,so my parents and I offered to help her out." Jeanette said glumly."Its okay.When you get there,tell her I said hey." I replied."And,who's that boy?" I whispered."That's my friend Everest." She said calmly."Does he go to our school?" I questioned.

"Yes,he's in another wing though,so we barely see him." She replied."okay,well I'll be skating around ,while you two go ahead and hang out." I insisted. We said our goodbyes and I pushed myself off once again.The park had a path that went in one complete oval,so I could amuse myself for about 7-9 minutes.

8 minutes later
I was about half way towards the Gate when I saw Dakota and her clique. She didn't notice me because my brown locks were in my face,and my cast was off,so there was a 1,000,000 to 1 chance of her recognizing me.Hallelujah I thought to myself.I made it back to the gate,and rode my board back home.I entered the house too see my dad in his uniform talking to my mom."Alexis,your father has an important banquet on the 14th and you are coming." She announced happily.

"What?No!I can't mom,I have plans this Saturday" I said slightly annoyed.

"Don't you dare speak to me with that tone.You're coming!And I'll make sure you are ,even if it's the last thing I do young lady."she snapped. I was in deep water right now.I ran up to my room ,grabbed a thick pillow and screamed to the top of my lungs.I rested on my side and pulled out the invitation from my pocket and held it in front of me,staring at it blankly."What do I do now?" I was screwed.

Sorry for the very short chapter.I hope you guys enjoyed it.
- peace out

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