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"People say that everything happens for a reason and I'm dying to know what that reason is "

A few minutes have passed and I just thought that it'd hurt less if I didn't see her hooked up to so many wires.

"It's getting late so I kinda gotta go" I placed a kiss upon her forehead and walked out of the room.

I came to the lobby and saw My mom with Grayson.

"What happened to her?!Will she be alright?"

"Gray,she's in a coma .She will eventually wake up"

" I hope so"

"Ethan are you okay? "

"I'm fine mom"

Not really

We walked out of the hospital and drove home.

Minutes later, we pulled into our driveway. I got out and entered our house. I went up to my room and fell asleep.


I decided to visit Alexis again. I've decided that I'll be doing this everyday until she wakes up.

I got dressed and went out to my car.I drove off and decided to bring Alexis a bouquet.

I drove to the nearest floral shop and entered.I wanted to get uniquely colored roses so I picked out a bouquet consisting of black roses.I was not sure how they managed to do that, but it was cool.

Later at the hospital...

I went to Alexis' room and entered to find her father speaking to her.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted I just-"

" it's okay Ethan, I was just leaving"

"Goodbye Alexis, I love you" He said

Her father exited the room and I took his seat.

"I'm back"

"You don't  have to worry about me not showing up"

" I'll always be here with you. every step of the way"

" I brought you flowers. They're black but I only picked them because they were very interesting"

"Damn it"

" I miss you Alexis.  There's this little gap in my heart and you're all I need to close it up."


"Good bye,  I love you"

I decided to drive around NJ until I cleared my mind from all the stress.

I passed by the she-devil's house.aka.Dakota. She must be feeling bad for what she did.I mean I hope she does.

Skip ride

I arrived at the hospital and went to Alexis' room.I was surprised to see Dakota in there.


"Hello Ethan"

"Was this because of me? I feel so horrible now."

"It's about time "

"I know.I was just apologizing"

"I'll leave you two alone."

I left the room and decided to drive back home.


These last few chapters will be short,  excluding the very last one.

This plot is lame but oh well,it is too late to change it up.

Have a g'day or night :)

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