If two objects are to fall from the same height, no matter the objects mass, density, or volume, will fall at the same time. Those objects will accelerate at a rate of nine point eight meters a second. The common misconception is that this staple to the laws of gravity was discovered by Sir Isaac Newton. While Newton discovered the three laws you learn in school, the person who found this principle was Galileo Galilee. I, Slaine Troyard, think such a staple idea should be given credit where it is due. I suppose I should be a bit more formal. Once more, I am Slaine Troyard. I'm a middle class kid, with... Pale blonde hair, 'pretty' blue eyes, and I tend to need to smile more. I'm about 5'11 in height. Not too shabby I'd say. Anyways, I suppose I'm slim but not in shape, if that makes sense.
I belong to the worst place ever.Aldnoah Highschool.
This place is for the rich, those that know the rich, or you're lucky.
So, here I am in English II honors as a freshman, scribbling down in a journal all my ideas. That's you, little journal.
So, what's on my mind? Well, good question. For starters, I have no idea how I'm friends with- no, had the luck for my family to be friends with The Vers family.
Her. The princess of this school. Asseylum Vers. I don't know if she likes me even as a friend but... I know she likes to hear my stories about my old town.
Asseylum is a beautiful girl. Your ideal stereotypical image of a princess. She's a pretty blonde girl with eyes like the ocean, and the kindest heart. She's kind of like the spring season. Something... New. And, gladly welcomed of course.
I think she caught me eying her. Am I blushing? Why is she giggling?
"Mister Troyard!" My teacher, Mr. Saazbaum said a bit too firm for my comfort.
"Ah, yes sir!" I respond.
"What is Dickinson stating in her second stanza?"
"Dickinson is saying that, in a metaphoric sense, the eyes are ones gateway to life. To be blind is to be dead; you cannot see the world." I reply cool and precise.
"And the excessive uses of dashes, Mister Troyard?" Mr. Saazbaum says. Probably trying to trip me off.
"Emily Dickinson used dashes because they were more harsh than a comma, yet softer than a period."
"... Thank you, Mister Troyard." Saazbaum isn't happy, but he isn't exactly mad either.
As if on que, the sharp tone of the bell cuts the air.
"Class... Dismissed," Mr Saazbaum sighed out. "Except for you, Slaine. Please wait back. Everyone else to lunch!"
There's a shuffling of bookbags and flurries of conversation as I remain in my seat.
I look at my little journal and scribble a cartoon bat on it, matching the plushie on my pack.
As the class leaves, all is quiet for a moment before a shoe stops the door from closing, and a brunette boy steps in.
Oh boy.------------------------------------------------------------------
So! Please let me know what you all think! I'm gonna try to add a song I think fits in with every chapter. I chose Be Gone Dull Cage by Keiv for this chapter. The song has a slow, dragging feeling for parts and the chorus likes to pop out a bit faster. I felt it fit the chapter pretty well, but who knows c:
Anyways, I dunno if I'll post frequently but I'll try. Thank y'all c:

9.8 Meters a Second. [Complete]
FanficAldnoah.Zero Highschool AU. OrangeBat focus. Slaine Troyard is a smart kid. He isn't very popular, but he is indeed friends with the 'princess' of the school. This could be a blessing or a curse when he ends up falling in love with a guy. It just so...