Orange repeated my nickname.
"What's your real name?" He asked. I gulped, almost afraid.
"U-uh... Slaine Troyard..."
"Do you know her?"
"That's her name?"
We sat in silence for a moment.
"Inaho Kaizuka."
And with that, the most peculiar person I knew got up and walked away.
"Inaho..." I repeated. "Orange is Inaho."After that weird lunch I trekked over to AP European history.
Professor Trillram. The worst man in this school. He likes to fail kids and reduce their grades just to make his class look harder.
Pisses me off.
He has brown hair, a creepy smile, and a dumb haircut.
"Hello, Troyard." He sneered out, handing me back a paper that had a 87%.
Even when he tries I'm still too smart to just outright fail. That makes me feel better about myself.
I take my seat and it's next to Inko, one of Inaho's friends.
"Oi, Inko?" I ask her shyly.
"Yeah, Bat?"
Inko is a girl of medium height. She's got dark hair and red eyes as well. She's pretty cute, and she probably gets a lot of attention from guys.
She used the nickname.
I bite back my fear.
"Why isn't Inaho in this class?"
"He's in programming instead. Why, lover boy?"
"Wait... What?" I asked, a blush staining my cheeks.
"He doesn't like you. He likes Asseylum. A lot."
"Leave him alone," a girl with red-brown hair and amethyst eyes said.
"The kid doesn't need your sass."
"Oh, Rayet please. Let me screw with him!"
"SILENCE!" Demanded Trillram. The class listened. "Today, in our unit on the scientific revolution of the 1600's, we'll cover Sir Isaac Newton. Can anyone tell me what he did?"
A student raised his hand, and said, "he discovered gravity!"
"Good!" Trillram said.
"But what else? Anyone?" Silence. "No one? Well it's simple. The Law of Acceleration of Gravity."
My hand shot up instantly.
"Yes, Slaine?"
"The Law of Acceleration of Gravity was discovered by Galileo Galilee, actually."
"Care to explain?" Trillram's cold hiss countered me.
"Credit is due where it is earned, Professor Trillram. It was Galileo who dropped objects off of the Leaning Tower of Pisa."
An angry breath left the professor.
"Thank you, Slaine. But can you please refrain from interrupting my lesson?"
I nodded and settled back into my seat.
I could feel some eyes on me, but specifically Rayet. She was from the rival middle school, but our high school, which I find odd.
Nonetheless, I have an odd trust to her. I think she may be really nice... I just need to get to know her.
Class surprisingly goes by quickly, so I put my headphones back on in and head off to work through the rest of the school day before heading home.I'd say a few hours passed and here I am sitting in theatre during 6th period. Then I'll get to go home.
I'm kinda excited, actually. I think Inaho is on my bus. Maybe I can say something!
But... What Inko said... Maybe she was serious.
I don't know. He's really... Different I guess.
I get on the bus and scan around to see if he's here, but I don't see him, so I'll just go sit down in my normal seat.
I feel relieved he isn't here, but at the same time... Meh. Oh well.The bus dropped me off at my stop. Asseylum lived in the same neighborhood as me so I figured we'd walk home but I guess she didn't take the bus. No big deal but I gotta get home before it rains.
As I'm walking the skies break out into a light shower anyways. Great. Ok, just pick up the pace a bit. I'm already gonna be considered late anyways.I don't know what it is but... I think I have a crush on Inaho. He's not like everyone else, he's strange. He has his own way and I... It's alluring to me.
As I step into the door, my adoptive father doesn't look happy.
"You're late."_____________________________________________
This one was a bit longer than I thought it would be, but I hope you enjoy! Please leave feed back! Good or bad I'd love to hear it! Thank you!!

9.8 Meters a Second. [Complete]
FanfictionAldnoah.Zero Highschool AU. OrangeBat focus. Slaine Troyard is a smart kid. He isn't very popular, but he is indeed friends with the 'princess' of the school. This could be a blessing or a curse when he ends up falling in love with a guy. It just so...