17. Winter Icy Blues

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I wait in the courtyard for Inaho, like I do every day. Today is the last day before winter break begins, and I couldn't be more excited. I brought Inaho a gift, an orange plushie. All of the group is standing around waiting. I feel butterflies in my tummy. The roads are really icy, and I'm worried about Inaho...
The bell rings for class. He isn't here yet. I sigh, and go to first period.

Its third period and I still haven't seen Inaho. I check my phone.
"Hi Slaine." A text from Yuki says. "I drove Inaho to school today, and due to the ice we got in an accident. When he woke up in the hospital, the first person he asked for was you. Please, come as soon as you can."
I instantly call dad, and have him check me out.

"Do you know what happened?" Cruhteo asks me as I enter the car.
"No idea," I respond honestly. "I'm really worried though..."
"And I'm sure there's a reason you haven't told me. He's more than a best friend, isn't he?" Cruhteo pressures, driving carefully.
"Well, is he?"
"Does it matter?"
"If you're gay?"
"No! If he's more than a best friend!"
"I... No...? I'm just curious, Slaine. I took you in, after all."
"So I have to share everything?"
"I'd like to know about your life, yes."
"Redefinition won't get me to talk."
Cruhteo gives me the look, and I sigh. "He is more than a friend, but I'm not gay... I like girls too."
"Whatever you say, son. I'm happy if you are." Cruhteo simply notes. I feel embarassed, and my cheeks are on fire.
"Don't mention this to your real so-"
"Slaine, adopted or not you are also my real son. I treat you as such."

The rest of the car ride is quiet, aside from some Dean Martin dad plays in the car. Once I'm at the hospital, I check in and rush to his room.
"Slaine?" Yuki says from the doorway. I nod, blushing, and still carrying the orange plushie. "Aww... He'll love that!" She says with a smile.
She leads me inside, and I see him.
I'm comforted to see him... And then I begin to panic. Theres a bandade over his left eye, soaked with blood.
"Oh, no..." I whisper, thinking he's asleep.
His calm, quiet voice is softer than normal.
"I'll be okay,"
My heart drops.

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