Ich Liebe Dich

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Ciel looked up over the rim of the teacup, at Sebastian. When he caught the demons glance, he quickly looked away. Sebastian face another chuckle, making Ciel blush.
"Bocchan. You can't keep your eyes off me, can you?"
"You said you'd drop the subject!" Ciel reminded his butler sternly, putting the teacup down and reaching over for the toast.
"Hm." Sebastian replied, only half listening. "My apologies." 'Perhaps I don't have to hide it. Perhaps my little fantasy could become real?' He thought, intently. He needed to make the decision to confess or not. If he did, it wasn't for certain he'd get what he wanted, but if he didn't, he'd certainly not get it. 'However, which option is best for the young master?'
Ciel noticed a distant look in his butlers's expression. "Sebastian? What's on your mind?"
"Nothing of your interest or concern." Sebastian replied quickly. Ciel narrowed his eyes, but didn't say anything. He finished up his breakfast as Sebastian began to dress him. His blush deepened every time a gloved hand grazed his skin. Flashes of the dream popped into his head and he mentally scolded himself. "No. I don't want that."
Sebastian looked up. "Don't want what, my lord?"
'Damn! I said it out loud!' "N-nothing of your interest or concern!" He looked away as the demon smirked, and tried to change the subject. "What's the schedule for today?"
"Tutoring, dance lessons and a dinner meeting with a man from Funtums Indian branch. Today's tutoring will be with me. We'll be working on your German."
Ciel grumbled. "Again? We've been doing German for ages! I've pretty much mastered it!" He stood up, and turned towards the window. "Mastered it, huh?" Sebastian's asked. He'd made his decision, and the thought was making his heart pound. "Then you'll understand this: 'Ich liebe dich.' Ciel stopped, rigid, his eyes wide.
"W-what?" Ciel asked. 'I heard that wrong. That's the only explanation.' "Ich bin in dich verliebt." Sebastian reworded himself.
Ciel forced himself to look into his butlers eyes. His heart was hammering in his chest. "N-no. You're not. You're a demon. Y-you can't fall in love!" Sebastian looked away. What has he been expecting? For Ciel to run into his arms, kiss him, and exclaim that the demon's love was returned? No. It was never like that. Sebastian knew that. "Then explain to me why I get this funny feeling whenever I lay my eyes on you?" He took a few steps towards the Earl. "My chest tightens and I feel like I need to protect you above all else. Like you mean more to me than anything else in the world. It killed me last night when I heard you scream, and when I saw how frightened you were. Please, believe me.... Ciel." Sebastian stood over Ciel now, close enough for the demon to reach over and take a lock of Ciel's hair behind his ear, the boy blushed when he heard his butler say his name. He'd whispered it, as if it were some precious secret. Ciel didn't back away. He was going to stand his ground. Sebastian sank to his knees, submissively. He gave up. He'd been wrong about the boy. The earls dream must have been triggered by lust, not love. "My apologies, Bocchan. It wasn't my place to speak like that." Ciel looked down at his butler. It hurt him to see him so submissive. Usually, that wasn't the case, but now... He bend over and put his arms around Sebastian. "Entschuldige dich nicht." He said softly, before adding, "my love."
Sebastian pulled back. "My love...?" Ciel blushed and looked away. Still, the demon persisted. "Bocchan? Did you just call me your love?" The boy gave a slight nod, and Sebastian smirked. Swiftly, he pulled Ciel into a kiss. The boys eyes widened, but he soon melted into Sebastian's arms. He didn't want to act so submissive, but he couldn't help it. When Sebastian broke away from the kiss, he picked up his young master and walked from the room. "Where are you going?" Ciel tried to wriggle out of his grasp. "To your study. There is a book there written in German, and in it is a section I need you to translate. Just because you've told me that my feelings for you aren't all one sided doesn't mean you can get out of tutoring." Ciel grumbled to himself, but stopped trying to get Sebastian to let him go.
The demon sat his fragile cargo down on the seat behind the desk, handing him the book. "Page 136, paragraph 5." Ciel opened the book with a sigh, reading it, then translating it to English. Sebastian corrected his mistakes and told the Earl to try again. They did this until Ciel felt his brain would burst. He didn't like studying. Why'd he even need to learn German anyway? Suddenly, a shiver went through his spine. "Sebastian? I'm cold." The demon frowned. The room itself wasn't cold. 'Perhaps he just wants some romantic gesture from me, like giving him my coat.' He thought amused, slipping off his tailcoat, and draping it over the boys shoulders. 'Humans have such curious ways.' He placed a kiss on the top of Ciels head. "How about now? Are you still cold?" Ciel blushed like mad. "N-no. I'm okay now." With a smirk, Sebastian tapped the open book lightly. "One more time, and I'll let you have a break. Please? For me?" Ciel obliged reluctantly. Halfway through the paragraph he slipped off Sebastian's coat, and then his own, causing the demon to narrow his eyes. "Bocchan? I thought you were cold."
"Now I'm hot." Ciel said curtly.
Sebastian studied the boy, noticing a perpetual shade of pink on his cheeks that he'd mistaken for a blush. The demon touched the boys forehead. "You feel warm." He exclaimed. "I'm afraid you've got yourself a fever."

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