The Princess And The Monster

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Ciel searched his butlers expression as he pulled away, but all he could see in those crimson eyes was content. He propped himself up on one elbow. Sebastian got up completely, then turned towards his master. Taking the small hand and lifting the boy up as well. "I've kept you from your sleep. For that, I apologize." He undressed Ciel and slipped on his nightshirt.
The Earl shook his head. "There were things that needed to be settled. I may not have slept at all if you haven't taken the time to explain."
Sebastian smirked, then placed a small kiss on the tip of Ciel's tiny nose. "Goodnight, my lord."
"Wait. Sebastian." Ciel reached up and grabbed the demons coat before he could leave. Sebastian looked back at his master curiously. "Tell me a story." He demanded, and patted the bed next to him. He sat down again, and repositioned the boy and himself, so that his back rested against Sebastian's stomach, he wrapped his arms around Ciel and bent his head down, pressing his lips to the top of the earls head. "Will a fairytale suit you?"
"Hm. Fine." He replied.
"Once upon s time, there lived a very powerful king. He ruled a vast kingdom, and had a very beautiful daughter. Times were never easy, but the king managed to defend his land from all opponents. All, that is, except one. The enemy destroyed every part of the kingdom. The king fell, his queen fell, and all that was left was the beautiful princess. They captured her, and unsure what to do with her, gave her to a monster as a feast. The monster was cruel, and instead of devouring her whole, he'd play with her; kill her slowly. But the princess wasn't afraid of him. In fact, she accepted him, and the monster learned of something he'd never known before; love. He quietly watched over her, protecting her from harm, patiently waiting for the day his feelings for her would be returned."
Ciel was captivated, and when Sebastian's quiet voice ceased, he tugged at the demons sleeve, needing to know more. "And? Did she end up falling in love with him after all?" Sebastian ran his thumbs along Ciel's palms. "I don't know. Did she?" Ciel blinked, realizing what the story had actually been about.
"H-hey!" Ciel stuttered. "W-why am I a princess?!"
Sebastian chuckled. "What would you prefer? A prince?"
"I'm fine with being a prince." The Earl mumbled, blushing slightly.
"Alright then." Sebastian said teasingly. "You'll be my little prince."
Ciel's blush deepened, but he turned around to face Sebastian, and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Thank you for the story." He said softly, then lay down, resting his head in his pillow. Sebastian couldn't help but smile at those five simple words. "Would you mind if I stay here until you fall asleep?" He asked timidly.
Ciel smirked, his eyes remaining closed. "Not at all." He replied, reaching out to take Sebastian's gloved hand, then added, "But you mustn't stay all night. I still expect my breakfast to be ready as soon as I wake." The demon gave another chuckle and ruffled his masters already messy hair. "Yes, my lord." The boys features rose and fell gently as sleep took his small body. 'Such a peaceful sleeper.' Sebastian thought to himself as he carefully moved away as to not disturb the boy. 'This wasn't always the case. You seemed like such a brat; back when nightmares plagued every inch of your dreams. What changed? Was it you or me?' Sebastian sighed, and decided to leave those thoughts to dwell on later. He stole one last look at the sleeping figure before making his way to the bathroom for a quick wash. He glanced over and noticed his reflexion in the mirror. The demon frowned. Before him, was the face of a killer; a cold blooded murderer that was not meant to fall in love. The boy who had willingly let himself drift to sleep in the demons arms put all his trust in him. But, was the story he'd told true? Was the monster actually protecting the little prince, or was he just making things worse?

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