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Ciel blushed, looking away, hoping Sebastian wouldn't notice. "A-actually I wanted to talk to you about something, and I was worrying about throughout dinner." He confessed.
Sebastian's eyebrow twitched, expressing his interest. "So what you were so engrossed in during the meeting was me? Am I really that intriguing?" The demon looked down at Ciel, a smirk spreading across his lips as he saw the boys cheeks turn a deep red. "W-well, yeah b-but.." Ciel stammered. "I-I was going to ask you.. well.." He tried to find the right words. "This morning you said that you loved me. Now your acting like all of that never happened. Why?" He forced himself to look into Sebastian's eyes.
The demon frowned. "Give me some time to think that question over, okay?" Ciel blinked. 'Why would he need time to think a question like that over? It should be pretty straight-forward.' He thought, but didn't say anything.

Some time later, the Earl found himself spread out across his bed, a book in front of him as he chewed at his nails. A soft knocking sounded at the door, and Sebastian entered with Ciel's neatly folded nightshirt. He placed it on the bed and turned to the boy. He slipped off the boys coat and moved to untie his tie, from the way his gaze seemed distant, Ciel could tell he was deep in thought. Looking at him curiously, the boy tried to figure out what it was that tied his butler in a knot.
Before Sebastian unbuttoned the Earls shirt, the demon paused, running this fingers across a seam of the shirt. "I think I'm ready to answer that question of yours." He said, looking up.
Sebastian sat down on the bed beside Ciel; something a butler didn't normally do, but the Earl didn't object. "When it comes to love, I'm stupid." The demon began, fiddling with a fold of Ciels shirt as if to find some excuse to touch him. "I, being the elder one here, feel like I'm obliged to lead this relationship. Like I should guide you, or at least know a thing or two about my own feelings!" Sebastian's crimson eyes were wide as he stared down at the fold of shirt in his hands. 'He almost looks like some frightened child.' Ciel thought, a bit amused, while his butler continued to explain. "And with this whole thing with Lizzie, and your reputation and status to keep up, I'm not sure whether to ignore you, or just give in. There's no in between! I can't be near you and pretend you don't mean anything to me!" Ciel had never seen the demon like that. Helpless, weak, and openly expressing it. Somehow, this caused a small, apologetic smile to cross his face. "Your right." He mumbled, slowly wrapping his arms around Sebastian. "You are stupid when it comes to love." He rested his head on the broad, muscular shoulders. "Stop trying to control it. It's useless. And there's no 'elder' or 'guide' in a relationship. I don't expect you to take matters into your own hands, so stop worrying."
Sebastian blinked, then a smile formed on his lips. "My lord." He teased, "since when were you a love expert?" Ciel blushed, but tried to hide it with a roll of his eyes. "Well I've got to know more than you, demon!" He said, a bit sharper than intended.
However, Sebastian didn't seem to take offense at the comment. Instead, he laughed, pulling Ciel back so that they both lay in their sides facing each other. He placed little kisses all over the Earls deep red cheeks. "S-Sebastian! Stop!" Ciel tried to wriggle free, but embarrassingly, a light giggle showed through in his voice. Sebastian loosened his grip and looked into the large blue eyes in front of him. "Hm. You're perfect." He stated, his gaze gentle. He closed his eyes, and his lips were drawn to Ciel's and he gave the Earl a long, but delicate kiss.

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