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"I'm already an outcast!" Ciel argued. "I made a contract with a demon, for heaven's sake!" As soon as he'd spoken the words, he knew he'd said the wrong thing.
"You did. And that demon is me. The only thing keeping you from a normal life is me, and me alone. You don't deserve the life of an outcast. You're too..." Sebastian paused, pulled Ciel close to his chest, "you're too precious for that."
The Earl pushed his butler away. "What if I don't want a normal life?" He challenged, glaring into the demon's eyes. "Am I too precious to get what I want? I'm not some fragile doll that you need to dote on all the time, you know."
"I never said-" Sebastian tried to put in, but got cut off. "You may not have said it, but you sure as hell are acting like it! Why can't you just accept that I want to be with you?! Why do keep insisting that you're some kind of monster?!" The boy yelled, standing up. Sebastian glanced over at the remaining milk on the table and carefully slid it towards Ciel, unsure how to respond to the sudden outburst. The Earl took the milk eagerly, though his anger was still apparent. 'He's got a sore throat and still he can yell at me.' Sebastian thought, irritated.
Ciel put down the milk with a thud on the table, as if calling for Sebastian's attention. The demon was currently refusing to look at him. Suddenly there was a weight in his lap, and a small head was just centimeters from his ear. "When will you understand, Sebastian? When?" There was no answer. Mostly because of how shocked Sebastian was to hear the same voice that's been yelling at him a few moments ago, speak in a gentle whisper.
"Ugh. You're such an idiot." Ciel said finally, resting his head on Sebastian's shoulders.
Sebastian slowly brought his hands around Ciel. "I'm just afraid I'll make a bad decision and that'll affect you in a way that could end up hurting you." He confessed, clutching a fold of the Earl's coat at the spot between the shoulder blades.
"How will we ever know the affect our decisions will make? Sebastian, life is so much easier if you go through it without any regrets." Ciel lectured in response. Turning his butler's head to face him, and holding the pale cheeks in his small palms, he placed a passionate kiss on the demon's lips. When he broke away, he asked. "Answer me truthfully. Would you be able to live the rest of your life without ever having a kiss from me again? Without ever getting to hold me, or even seeing me? Because I couldn't do the same for you."
Sebastian shook his head. "No, my lord. I doubt I could stand it." He picked up the Earl and put him on his feet as he got off the couch. "I believe you've succeeded in changing my mind about all this."
Ciel breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled slightly. "Okay, good. I feared perhaps your obsession with my safety may cloud you enough to break my heart. Now, this is a bit straight to the point, but I'd like to call off my engagement with Lizzie."
Sebastian's eyes widened. "That's pretty immediate. You're certain you'd like to go through the paperwork now? We still need to consult her and her family."
"Yes, I'm certain. I'll write to the Midfords now." The boy turned swiftly and sped up the stairs. "Don't do anything rash!" Sebastian called after him nervously, not knowing if Ciel was even listening to him.

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