chapter 6

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Ever since that day at the lake, Andrew and I have been spending a lot of time together.

he took me to the pier and brought me on the Ferris wheel, the fear of heights couldn't resist his pleading eyes, he convinced me in the end.

today is a new day and anything can happen so I'm ready for what is coming.

"hey why do I always catch you staring, not that I mind, but still".

"well, I "

"Maria Elizabeth weaver are you speechless"

how does he know my middle name and what with the weaver.

"That is not my last name"

as if he knows it.

"I know but we all know you don't like the real one.........pristine. O....M.......G

"who told you that "? .

he doesn't answer ,only steps closer to my face

"I thought you liked that name"he says taking another step towards me.

"what are you...."my words are cut off by his lips against mine,

his lips are soft but he's kissing me so hard like he doesn't want to let me go.

A moan escapes from the back of my throat and I can feel a fire growing in the pit of my stomach .

" you guys are not playing tounge touch hookie at my house on less its me being hookied "

josh's words frightened me so I bite down on his bottom lip.

"fuck"Andrew shouts and josh burst out into laughter.

I move a few feet away from andrew and turn to josh who is still laughing.

"Um...its not that funny I just bit his lip"

he doesn't stop only points over to Andrew's pants.I turn around to look at the area he is pointing at an my eyes go wide .

Andrew's P.O.V.

I look down to see a huge bulge in my pants and maria literally laughing out loud.

"its not my fault she makes me hard" I say through my teeth

"well I think you've got it bad" josh finally speaks.

Maria is now on the bed and looking out the window with a thoughtful expression on her face.

"See you have got it bad I'm sure the gossip queen would love to hear this".

not this again,josh always does this thing where he dresses up like a girl and calls him self the gossip queen and I hate it ,

which is why he does it.

"why do ...".

"after. y is z don't you know you alphabet"?

Maria P.O.V.

I stare out the window as andrew and josh bicker about the 'gossip queen' whatever that means.

I think I like andrew ,my subconscious remarks. But what amazes Me the most is that the

"BadBoy " Andrew johnson gets an erection just by kissing me '' Maria Pristine the nerd of Westwood High .

I sat like that for a while until I heard someone shouting my name when I looked up it was no other than Josh

Josh's P.O.V

I turned around and see Maria thinking about something very hard just by her facial expressions .

"So maria what are you thinking about your little make out session with andrew"

instantly she started blushing .

"Oh my gosh you like andrew you really like him I can't wait tell him" .

Oh you better shut up about that
at the same time andrew came in

"shut up about what "holy noooooo.

"Oh nothing just...... about kat.

"Oh OK ,Josh I need to talk to you".

Andrew's P.O.V.

I need to get this off my chest.

"What's up dude"?

I dont know how to say this

"I like her" I blurt out .

Josh's eyes go wide and he is rendered speechless.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^An I am soooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated in a while I promise I make it up to you guys in the next chapter Ps I'm making a new book it's called secrets of the bad's not published yet but it will be soon............

ily don't forget to vote and follow and member my promise

Byeeeeeeeee 😛😛😛😍😍😍😍

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