Chapter 16 : Another one

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Maria's pov





"Mmmmmmmm this pop tart taste so good"

"Good pop tart soooo good soooooo good "

Yummy in my tummy

Good good pop tart sooooo good .

I would never guess pop tart could taste so good in the morning . I sat at the island enjoying the pop tart as andrew came in the kitchen.

" what are you doing up so early "
he asked .

"umm eating a pop tart "

"well obviously " he replied while eyeing me suspiciously

"what are you doing " I asked trying to maneuver around the counter

suddenly Andrew launched at me trying to grab my waist


I was outside her house ready with my gun in hand . She was going to pay for this , nobody messes with me and gets away with it . if he wont give me what's mine ill just take some thing of his .

BOM ......

my body felt numb as I braced for the hard impact of the ground . my vision was getting blurry but before i completly blacked out i saw two pairs of feet standing above me .

Ivan's P.O.V (maria's brother)

I shot the bastard before he could even open the door if he thinks he could just kill my sister and get away with it he thought wrong . but why would he come alone did he think it would be that easy .....

suddenly i herd a scream inside the house and a gun go off

OH NO .........

I got up from where i was and quickly ran into the house.


three guys were on the groung out cold .

"what happened here " I asked

Andrew was the first to speak

"well i saw these two guys com in so i told maria to go up stairs so i could handle them but i didnt relize the third one come in so while I was distracted with these two he tride to sneak up on me thats when maria screamed and jakichaned his ass knocking him out cold "


"your welcome " maria said in a cocky voice

" I told you to stay up stairs " andrew said in a low tone

" Well aren't you glad I didn't " maria replied andrew just kept staring at the ground

something isn't right


hey hey hey long time no seee

im so sorry for not updating early but my phone is gone so ill be using my laptopto update now so the chapters will be longer and i will up date a little bit quicker

i loooovvvveeeee you allllll and BTW's thanks for so many reads i didnt think i would reach so many thank you allll

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