chapter 19: I promise

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Josh's P.O.V

It's finally time .

I'm gonna do it .

I'm gonna tell her how I feel .

"Kat I know we have only been going out for two weeks but I feel a strong connection between us and I really want to start something serious with you , I really like you and I was just wanderind if .......

If you wanted to be my girl friend ??"

Arggghh that's not going to work .

I said to my self in the mirror .

"JOSH" My sister screamed

"What" I yelled back .

"No yelling in the house my mom yelled ".

"Then why are you yelling " my sister shouted back .

"Both of you stop yelling " I said

They both said OK and stopped yelling .

I sighed , what kind of family do I have .

I silent laughed to myself thinking about my soon to be girl friend .

Andrew's P.O.V (dream)


I saw her with her wavy blonde hair and deep blue green eyes .

She looked at me frowning .

She was wearing a white dress with a flower crown .

She was so beautiful

I love her

She started to scream blood coming out of her stomach .

I tried to run towards her but I couldn't move .

She was on her knees crying , screaming out for me but I couldn't move I felt so useless.

^^^^^^^^end of dream ^^^^^^^^^

I woke up in a pool of sweat , that was horrible I thought to myself . I sat up in my bed thinking about that dream .

Suddenly my phone rang

It was her

"Hello" I answered

" Andrew " she said through the phone, she sounded different .

" maria what's wrong " I asked

" I don't know there is someone in the house and .... I'm scared "


"Don't worry baby I'm coming for you " I said in a hurry .

I rushed down the stairs and onto my bike .

I have to make it .




butterflies are soo pretty

I thought to myself as I drank another bottle of voldka .






I started to count the stars

"maria " ???

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