chapter 10 : Andrew and Amber

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I woke up in a pool of sweat on my face

" are you ok "

a voice said my eyes shot up to find the owner of the voice.

"Who are you" I asked

"maria its andrew don't you remember" 

suddenly ever thing came back in a flash

" you like me "

I asked Andrew bluntly .

"um yes but you already knew that"

I could feel my heart shatter I knew it all along but I just didn't want to believe it.

he only likes me as a friend.

" oh ok sooooo what happened"

I asked trying to fake smile.

After andrew walked away I ran after him and pulled on his arm

" dude what are you talking about" I asked he ignored me.

"Andrew "  he ignored me again. Thats it I tipped on my toes and brushed my  lips against his neck

" andrew why are you ignoring me"

  I asked in a husky tone  I could feel his breath increase so I know it's working.

" What are you  doing "

he asked out of breath .he knows me so well and I'm sure he knows I always tease when I want to get information on something.

I traced my hand down his chest  and stopped above his waste .

" Don't be silly I'm not doing anything".

"Maria" andrew said snapping me out of my thoughts. "

"I was teasing you and you pushed me off and I hit my head "

I asked  so thats all you remember nothing else

" I thought for a minute then replied "I'm hungry"

he chuckled then picked me up bridal style

" I can walk you know"

I said

" oh so you want me to put you down"

he asked I could practical hear the smirk on his face

" no no its ok " I replied clinging to his chest.

He carried me down stairs and into the kitchen and placed me on the counter

"so what are you feeling for tody" he asked "

" um can I have the A and M special "

the a and m special was basically what me and Andrew called cooking.

we threw a tonne of food inside the oven and it would end up tasting great so we did it more often and decided to make it a thing.

" Oh good choice coming right up"

..........................    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ beep beep beep  I slowly got up out of bed but something wasnt right it was tooo quite .

I didn't know weather to worry or be happy because it was usually loud before it was even sun rise did I mention I have eight brothers and all of them are a pain in the ass .

I decided not to worry and get in the shower as quick as I can .

A few minutes of looking in the mirror I have decided what to wear. A pink crop top with a white leggings and a pair of black converse with a black jacket.

My make was simple some eye liner and some lip gloss. 

if you are wondering I'm going to school .

I grab my phone and my bag and head down stairs .

There is no one there  I decide to skip   breakfast and head for school.   


My first class of the day math  yay life.      

My math teacher was old very old and she was just so BORING I mean come on she talks depressing ,she walks, depressing and she teaches depressing.

" maria !!!" Kathy screamed in me ear making me jump in my seat .

" Hey kat what's up" I asked with a smile on my face. 

She took a deep in take of breath then blurted out

" andrewandAmberaredating people are going crazy there coming up with cute names for them and cute names for their children its so weird and of course I'm not one of those people cause I support you and andrew all the way go team Aria ......"

wow that was a bit of  T M I

" kat breath "

I said camly but on the inside I was freaking out my best friend and my X best friend are together.Well so much for a normal day .


Hey guys I know today is not friday but I kinda feel asleep writing so I finished it when I woke up .

anyway I hope this is long enough for you if its not dont be afraid to tell me ily sooooo much bye

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