Chapter 1 - End of the Road

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Thanks for reading and to everyone who commented on earlier versions! It's currently being read by an agent so I'll just leave up chapter one for now. =]

Chapter 1                    End of the road

The pavement had it in for her from the start. The dips and cracks of the neglected street scuffed Feya’s feet at the least expected moments, warning her to never take her eyes from the traitorous path.

“Know anything about the meeting?” she asked her friend in an attempt to lighten the mood.

“Do you think I listen to my mother when she rants about witches and Demons?” Kelsey snapped back. She brushed off some rain that had gathered on her leather jacket before continuing. “So what if they exist? And stop walking so fast. You’re like a hamster in a wheel.”

“You know my parents will be late. They wanted me to apologise,” Feya said, checking her phone again: 8:08. “I guess I’ll have to do that for us too.”

“Why? It’s a stupid meeting. We’re all humans and it’s Easter break – we should be watching T.V. or something, not sitting around while our parents whine about the existence of magic.”

Feya sighed and kept her eyes on the path. It was pretty ridiculous. Soon they would be inside, listening to their parents struggle to discuss issues they weren’t even capable of understanding or acting on. Magic had made sure of that.

“Oh look,” Kelsey said in a sweeter tone than she was usually capable of. Feya risked a glance in her friend’s direction only to wish she didn’t blush so easily; another surprise was waiting at the top of the path ready to make her stumble back down it. He was wearing the same jeans as usual and a shirt with the sleeves rolled up. It made her feel scraggly in her old blue cardigan that was now sodden all the way through.

“He’s waiting outside in the rain for you – that’s a good quality to have in a guy.” Kelsey’s smirk was unbearable. “You can’t have a romantic movie moment unless he’s willing to put up with the best of British weather.”

 “You’re not the only one who would choose bleak weather over a LOCAL meeting,” Feya retorted, her eyes drifting to the floor again before sneaking a look towards the familiar nest of blonde hair. It was a shade lighter than hers, but in the hazy rain it looked just as drab as it clung round his temples. The way his brows framed his eyes, transfixed on Kelsey’s house... something looked like it was dampening his spirits more than the dreary weather, but he was too far away for her to be sure.

“But seriously,” Kelsey continued, “LOCAL? It’s a stupid name. Leave Our Children Alone, Lucifer? They don’t understand what they’re talking about. The Aversion works its magic - gets inside their heads and makes sure they can’t. It’s ridiculous.”

“Well, that will be us one day, won’t it? But anyway...” Feya pointed at Tristan with a nod of the head. “We should change the subject.”

“Yeah, exactly. As soon as anyone from LOCAL spends too long talking about Embers and Demons, pretending they’re the same thing, it’s like their mind changes subject. And they stand there looking all gormless, unable to remember-”

“I meant look at Tristan.” He didn’t even notice them as they approached the iron fence that encircled the house. He just stood, transfixed, his sweet chocolate eyes tainted with worry from whatever thought circled behind them. Then he turned away so that Feya could no longer analyse his expression.

“I know you think he’s lovely,” Kelsey said, “and you haven’t seen him all Easter, but I was busy ranting.”

Feya ignored her. “Tristan,” she called, reaching out for his arm.

Ashes to Embers (2013)Where stories live. Discover now