Still I Rise...

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Writer's Note:
This is not a chapter,it's just a poem that fits into the context of the story as well as reality.It is dedicated to all those sisters who stand for the priciples of Islam nomatter how hard it gets.Please do read it and vote for it.May Allah guide each one of us.Aameen.
Still I Rise
Clothed in modernity,
Modesty it snatched.
I raced to reach it,
how unfairly dictated;I couldn't catch.

Does my shyness bother you or is it your lust you are answering to.

See in this darkness how I become the light,
Much to your dismay still I rise.

With pity you bat your eyes,
being a muslim girl you think I'm doubly marginalized?
It's not for this feeble world but for Allah I strive.
From ashes disintegrated I take my flight.

I'm a seed germinated;roots firmly planted.
Shoot will up thrust.
With a force you push me down,the more you will see me rise.
No matter, how much you despise.

Oppression is your pride,
My creed is my strength and Quran is my guide.

Fire you ignite,
Oh how naive a thinker!
Does water it survive?

I'm the tsunami of your life,within the deep waters I surge,you try to shut me down,still I rise,still I rise,still I rise.

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