The Party

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Hi, my name is Sarah, and the best and worst day of my life was exactly seven years ago, the night you might know as The Last Night or sometimes Day One. No matter what you call it, it was the day that the earth fell, and my fifteenth birthday. The entire story of how it happened is written on these blood-filled pages....

Saturday, August 15th, 2056

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's my birthday!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! OMG, calm down girl, even though it's gonna be the best birthday party EVER with balloon animals, TONS of candy and soda and the best part is, NO PARENTS! they're out on a date and wont be back for a couple of days!! wait, no, scratch that, the best part is, my secret crush, Jack, is coming!!!!!! DOUBLE SQEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, it might not be such a secret, since I've been going to his birthdays since I was ten, but still, Tonight, I'm gonna build up the courage to tell him. He's been with a couple of girls since, but he broke up with the last one in February. I kinda feel bad for him, seeing as she dumped him for Sam, another boy in my school, on Valentines Day. Could you be and less considerate? Anyways, I don't feel tooooooo bad for him, because it's been just long enough to get over most of it, but he still needs another girl to mend his broken heart. I can't wait!!!!!! Besides, I know that I'll do it tonight, because if I don't, he'll get together with some other girl before I get another chance. OOOO!! One of my BFFs Lizzy is here! gotta go!

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OMG!!!!! I was about to go tell Jack that I liked him, but when I went up to him, he started to say something, but he ended up just stuttering. He's sooooo cute!! Anyways, after a minute or so he asked me out with out me even saying anything!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEE!!!! OMG, next Saturday is gonna be AWESOME!!!!!!!! The party is going soooooo awesomely!! Not even sure if that's a word or not, but I don't even care!!!! Everyone is dancing!! Hector is with Mia of course, they've been together for years, but the first time Hector tried to get together, Mia was just like, No way, that's never gonna happen. But really, they make a really cute couple. Jonalie is with Alex. I'm kinda jealous of them, since Alex is sort of like my ex, but Jonalie's my BFF so I'm happy for her. It's complicated. Sam is still with Jack's ex, Bryanna, and they love each other like no one else, so I'm not worried with Sam dumping her and she trying to get to get with Jack. Carter and Allie are together. It's weird, because we used to tease them that they were the "Perfect Couple" because they were so much alike. They defiantly didn't think so, but I think they look down that road at some point and thought it looked good ahead. Then there's Cian. I'm pretty good at finding someone for anyone, but Cian is a whole other matter. With him, I have NO idea. In sixth grade, he went around talking like a murderous Barney and in seventh grade he.... well I'm not even gonna talk about that. I used to think the same about Javen, but somehow he got together with Cece. Don't ask me how, I have no idea. It's surprising enough that Javen got a girlfriend, but Cece? I never saw that coming. Sajdah and Devin are still together. They've been together longer then anyone else that I know. Our age at least. Whatever. Zoe and Cece's little brother Roberto are not a couple that you see dancing together a lot, but they are defiantly involved. It's great, most of the couples in my school are all or nothing. Though there is Jacob and Sara. I'm pretty sure that Sara is cheating on him for Milton, and Jacob would rather be with Zoe, but she's obviously taken. Man, I've spent like fifteen minutes writing this. I'm gonna enjoy the party for what it is. After all, its my birthday!


Hope you like it, don't worry, this is basically just an introduction, the next part has much more action and stuff. Thanks 4 reading!

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