Ok guys, here is part of my new book! I hope you like it!! This is who I thin of when I see Angela!:)
------------xo---------My name is Angela and I live a pretty good life, considering I am a immortal vampire. Now, I know what you are thinking... Oh, this is just like twilight, Blah blah blah... This is not twilight( those books aren't even CLOSE to our lifestyle.) we DO not sparkle, we CAN have kids( when we are newborns, which lasts for about 12 years before other vampires look at us as "normal") and there are ALOT of covens of us, usually with 8-20 people in each.
Let me start at the beginning, and maybe you twilight fans will learn something about ACTUAL vampires....
RIING, RII- " hello, welcome to Maya's fashions, Angela speaking." I listen to the lady as she asks if we have any sales going on at the moment. " yes ma'am we do, all of our shoes are 30% off this weekend, and all of our dresses are going on sale for 55% off." I say, and the woman sighs in relief. She thanks me, and we hang up. I put the phone down, and look up as a middle aged woman walks up and sets her stuff on the counter. I start to scan and bag the items, when I feel a tap on the shoulder. I turn. " hey Angie, do you know how to fix this?" A girl named Maggie says, I look over at her register, and sigh, she messed it up again. I walk over, and press a few keys, and it goes back to normal. I go back to my register, and finish checking the lady out, and she leaves.
"you doing ok Maggie?" Our boss Rochelle says. She is about 5'5, with straight black hair, and a perfect tan to match.
"yeah, I'm good, but thank you anyway!" Maggie says.
I look at the clock, 6:45, my time is up. I know, I know. What is a immortal vampire doing working at a clothing store? I need money for my coven. I haven't found my mate yet, but I know he is out there somewhere. I walk to the back, grab my purse, and walk to the front. " hey, erm...I'm going to go, ok Rochelle?" I say, knocking on her office door and I hear her chair roll, and a second later the door opens. "Fine with me. Good job today Angie!" She says, and I see a smudge of blood on her bottom lip. "hey you have something right here." I say, pointing to her lip, and she wipes it off.
" thanks!" Rochelle says, wiping at her lip. Yes, Rochelle is also a vampire, but from a different coven, you see, if two covens are nice to each other, then they work together, if not, they avoid each other like the plague. My coven, and Rochelle's coven are friends so me and two of my friends work for Rochelle. She is 2300 years old, and doesn't look a day over 18. Me, well I am a newborn, so I stopped counting. I got turned 5 months ago, by my father( I wanted to, it was my choice.) I look 16. I have wavy blonde hair, and bright blue eyes.( your eye color doesn't change when you change.) I am about 5'2, but I don't care, I was 4"11 when I was human.
I walk out to the front of the store, and get into my 2015 GMC Yukon. I set my purse down in the passenger seat, and drive home. I pull into the driveway, and shut the engine off. I then realize that I need groceries. Vampires can survive on human food as well as blood. " crap" I mutter, but I know my brother heard it. I get out of the car and walk into the house. " hey sis, we have visitors...." My brother says , and I groan. My brother's name is Brandon, he is 6'3, with military-cut blonde hair, with the roots dyed black. He knows how the house is nice and neat, but I don't like having people over, and my brother also knows that. " it's mom and dad stupid." My brother says, and I perk up immediately. I LOVE my parents, they are cool.
"mom, I am going to go run to the store real fast, ok?" I say, and my dad says." Ok hon, be careful!" " I will!" I say back, and head back out the door. I get back into my car, and pull out, drive out of my neighborhood, and drive 4 more minutes until I reach food lion. I get out, and walk in, but stop immediately. I smell something REALLY GOOD. I follow it, until I come to the cleaning aisle, and I see him, the most gorgeous guy in the entire store, my mate. For vampires, the girl has to find the guys first, and only she can smell his mate scent, no one else. My mate smelled like crisp, sweet apples. My mate froze, and turned around. The Color of his eyes was like milk chocolate, very pretty. I didn't realize I had zoned out, until I felt his hand on my cheek. A small gasp escaped both of us. " hello love" he purred.
CLIFFHANGER!!!( evil laugh) how do you like the first chapter?
Tell me guys, I need to know !

My sexy vampire mate
VampireA vampire named Angela goes to the grocery store, and finds her mate. Hisname is dimitri.but one day he has to go on a trip with his father to another coven, and something happens, that will change all their lives... Forever.