Author's note.

80 7 21

Hey guys, I have something to say, and you guys won't like it: guys, I have been looking at this story, all its chapters and I am noticing something, I get maybe 15-20 reads on each chapter of this book, and maybe 1 or2 votes and comments... Guys, if you guys don't give me feedback, I can't help you guys make this story better!

That is why I am deleting this book. It isn't as good as my other one, and I am seeing that now, so I am going to give you guys a challenge.

If I get 10 comments on this  authors note by NEXT FRIDAY NIGHT, then I will keep this book. It doesn't mean you have to vote on it, but I want at LEAST 10 comments. Ok? Thanks guys.. I guess I will see you guys later!:)

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