When me and dimitri woke up the next morning, we were all tangled up, we had our legs tangled together, our arms were tangled together, our bodies were pressed close together, I had no clue where I began and he ended. I laughed, and dimitri kissed my temple.
" morning beautiful, how are you?" He asked, nuzzling my ear." I am well, how about you babe?" I said back, and dimitri shrugged, and we both drifted back to sleep.
When I woke up again, I didn't feel dimitri behind me, but I heard the shower going, so I got up, and got dressed. A few minutes later, the bathroom door opened, and a wet dimitri walked out, in basketball shorts. " hey babe! I was wondering when you would get up!" Dimitri said, kissing the top of my head. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door.
"come in!" I said, and Megan walked in, and stopped for a minute, staring at my mate's abs. Suddenly, dimitri cleared his throat, and Megan jumped, and a blush crept to her cheeks.
" Oh, sorry, Your mom just wants me to tell you that she is taking you to the mall in 20 minutes, and she wants dimitri to come too." Megan said, staring at dimitri, who walked over to me and put both his hands on my waist.
" ok, tell her that WE are getting dressed, and that we will be down in a minute." Dimitri said, trying to send her the signal to back off. She didn't get the message, and batted her eyelashes at him, then sashayed out the door.
" wow, your cousin is hilarious!" Dimitri said, and I froze. " like in a stupid way, not the way you are thinking." He added, and I relaxed. I walked into my walk-in closet, and picked out a pair of boot-cut jeans, and a sweater.( it is fall where they are) when I had changed, I walked out, to see my mate in boot-cut jeans, and a long sleeve plaid shirt.
I walked over to him, and kissed his jawline. I heard dimitri groan." Come on." I whispered, pulling away, and walking to the door." Don't forget your purse babe." Dimitri said, walking over and handing me my purse. " thanks!" I said, smiling up at him, and he smiled back.
When we came downstairs, everyone else was in the kitchen. I grabbed an apple, and bit into it, while I listened to my mate and my uncle talk about cars. It was kinda boring, but listening to my mate's voice made it better. Suddenly my mom and Megan waked in. " ok, are both of you two ready?" She asked.
Both me and dimitri nodded, and headed to my truck. We all got in( with me driving of course) and headed over. We got there, and it wasn't too crowded, so we all went looking around. First, we looked in dick's sporting goods, and dimitri found a Nike workout shirt.
My mom and I didn't find anything, but I noticed Megan was staring at dimitri with pure lust in her eyes, and I felt like dimitri was feeling backed into a corner, so I walked over, with two pairs of running shorts in hand and acted like I needed dimitri's help to pick one, when I didn't need any of them. " hey babe, can you help me choose a pair of shorts?" I said, and dimitri looked at me with a gleam in his eye.
" oh yeah, let me see?" He said back, playing along with my little game. I showed him, and he acted like he was having a hard time choosing. " where did you find these?" He asked.
" oh, I found them over there, do you want me to show you?" I asked, and he nodded, i lead him over, and he slumped in relief. " thanks babe, I was feeling cornered." He said, kissing my temple.
" no problem! I could tell that you felt like that." I said, and put the shorts back up. We all walked up to the counter together, and dimitri checked out, then we went back into the mall. We walked for a few more minutes, then we went into the store called lids, and dimitri got a few hats.
We checked out, and my mom pulled me into Victoria's Secret. Let me tell you, I absolutely HATE that store. All it has, is lingerie and bra's and underwear. I felt SO embarrassed. " mom, can we NOT go into this store, you know how much I hate it!!" I whined, sounding like a 2 year old.
" but sweetie! You and dimitri have to mate soon!" She said, and I almost collapsed in the store. There were HUMANS here, but of course they didn't hear what my mom said, because she whispered it so quietly. We ended up getting me a lace bra, and lace panties. I wanted to DIE.
I knew that me and dimitri were going to mate, I just didn't want it to be soon, maybe in about 3-4 months from now, but not in the next few weeks. We walked out, and I gasped in horror at what I saw. Megan was sitting there, next to dimitri, and she was kissing him!!! I could tell he was trying to get out of her grip, but she wouldn't let him.
Then I heard my mom yell, for the first time. " MEGAN, GET AWAT FROM MY SON IN-LAW RIGHT NOW!!" She yelled, and I think Megan got so frightened, that she peed herself! She jumped like 5 feet away from dimitri, and dimitri looked at me in horror, thinking that I was going to hate him, and I could tell he was about to start bawling.
I walked over to him, and hugged him, then whispered:" hey, I saw what happened, and you are fine, I am still your mate." To him, and he crushed me to his chest. I could feel my shirt getting wet from his relieved tears. " hey, it's ok, it is ok babe." I crooned to him, and he eventually calmed down.
He pulled away, and i wiped away his last tear. ( yes, vampires can cry, but our faces don't get all red and weepy, and we don't make facial expressions) I looked over, and I saw my mom yelling at Megan, who looked absolutely TERRIFIED.
I got up, and dimitri got up also, and we walked over, just as my mom stopped yelling. She turned towards us, and pulled dimitri to her, and dimitri hugged her back. " I am SO sorry about Megan! I don't know what got into her head!" My mom said, rubbing dimitri's back.
After our little " episode" we ended up shopping at JCpennys( I think I spelled that wrong) we ate at chipotle, and also stopped by bath and body works. I ended up getting 2 bottles of body spray, and some lotion.
We returned to my car, but all the stuff in the back, and drove home. The entire time, I looked back, and each time, Megan looked like she was about to jump out of the car and run for it. Literally. We got back to the house, and my brother, father, uncle, and both cousins came out, and helped with the bags.
Dimitri pulled me to the side, and when we were far enough away, he spoke." I am sorry." I looked at him like he was crazy.
"Sorry for what? I said." Sorry for letting her kiss me." Dimitri answered, and I laughed. " well, it wasn't your fault!" I said, hugging his torso. " come on, let's go ba-" dimitri said, before hearing Megan's high pitched scream.
Hey guys! Here is another chapter for you!!

My sexy vampire mate
VampireA vampire named Angela goes to the grocery store, and finds her mate. Hisname is dimitri.but one day he has to go on a trip with his father to another coven, and something happens, that will change all their lives... Forever.