School Love

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"In order to factor the polynomial..." my math teacher said as I stared at Dylan. God! I can't concentrate! At least not as long as he's in this class I thought. Instead of focusing on his perfect brown hair, I should focus on Algebra. Just don't think about his perfect jawline, or his collar bones, or his abs... Ugh I'm off topic again! Just don't look over at him and you won't think about how the cutest thing in the world is that when he smiles his eyes kind of squint, or how when he's near me I can't process any of my emotions. I glance up at the clock. Good only five minutes left of class.

Ringggg! There's the bell.
"Off to Mrs. Denning's class," I say to my friend Martin.
"Yeah, I can't wait," he says sarcastically. I glance at Dylan who is getting ready to leave but then quickly look away as I realize he is looking at me. Oh my god, I think, he's looking at me. Actually, it's almost as if he's waiting for me. As I get up and walk out the door, I realize he is walking with me. I start to feel that fuzzy warm feeling in my stomach and my heartbeat picked up as I glance over at him. As i think about it I realize he does this every day. I'm crazy, there is no way that an athletic, popular kid as hot as him would like me, a scrawny nerd.

As I walk into class I think to myself oh great now I get to hold in what happened because nobody except me knows i'm bi. If anybody found out it would ruin me. Aside from seeing him in the halls at his locker, across the hall from me, I don't see Dylan the rest of the day until eighth and ninth hour.
"Okay, we're reading A Midsummer Night's Dream," says Mrs. Hetner
"I love that book," says my friend Sam.
"So do I!" said my other friend Grace. All I could think is how I wish Dylan was Lysander and I was Hermia.

"Okay up and out," Ms. Kosner, the chorus teacher, said in ninth period. She's my favorite teacher aside from the fact she made me sit two chairs away from Dylan.
"Hey since Aaron is gone, I'm going to sit here because Matt's shoulders keep hitting me," Dylan whispers to me. Matt, a very big, dark complected kid, did have pretty broad shoulders.
"Ok," I say trying to sound cool about it. As we stood there hissing, as that was our warm up, I notice him starting to inch closer to me. In an effort to get a bit closer to him, I lean on the leg closest to him. I feel our shoulders and upper arms touch. All i can do is try not to let out a squeal of excitement.
"Ok sit down," Ms. Kosner says. When we sit down I notice we're both still touching except now I'm leaning against him slightly. I move away slightly but he just moves closer. He starts to say something but i get lost in his eyes.
"What?" I ask stupidly.
"I said," he starts, cracking a smile, "this is how you do the whip badly." He starts the motion of a whip but then finishes with the other arm. I try to smile and laugh but because I'm already so happy from being so close to him i have to really force it. Apparently I force it good enough and he smiles.

About half way through the period I put my left hand on my upper right arm to get our hands close to each other. As they touch, i fight the instinct not to grab onto his hand and not let go. We sit like that for a little and then I put my right arm down to see if I can get him to hold my hand. He doesn't and at that moment the bell rings. The day is over and the weekend is here. We walk out of the school together; I was heading home as he went to cross country.

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