The Game

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It was the Monday after the dance. Dylan and I had been hanging out every night that week, but something was different tonight. We were walking around the square, the middle of the town shaped like a square, when I looked over at him. He was staring at the ground, Starbucks in hand. A look of sadness mixed with confusion was frozen on his face.
"Whats wrong?" I ask.
"I was thinking about us. How everything is going to change in high school."
"Why does it have to change?"
"Because it's high school. Everyone makes everyone feel like shit and we can't do anything about it."
"Well, I don't think anyone will treat us any different."
"I guess so. Well if anybody makes fun of you I'm going to punch them," Dylan said, pushing me against the wall. We stared into each others eyes. His eyes as blue as a cloudless summer day. They were such a deep blue you could almost drown in them. He took a step forward, pressing his body against mine. His eyes close as he leans forward. I feel the warmth of his lips on mine. I put my hands on his chest as he grabs my hips. We stay there for a couple seconds. When we pull away from each other, we walk to the gazebo in the middle of the square, hands together with intertwining fingers. We stand in the gazebo. I put my music on. We look at each other and slowly dance around to Amnesia by 5SOS. I lean my head on his shoulder. We walk home together and kiss goodnight.

The next morning, I wake up and get dressed. I put on my shooting shirt because that night I have a basketball game. I go to school and walk to first period with him. In first period, he sits behind me. I reach back and we hold hands all period. In eighth period, we look at each other and smile. The bell rings and we start walking to Chorus. I suddenly get violently pushed into a locker.
"Hey fag! Watch where you're walking!" Colin yells at me. Dylan rushes over to me.
"Are you okay?! I'm going to kill him!" he says.
"It's fine, I'm okay."
"Are you sure?"
"Ye-" I get interrupted as he kisses me.
"Ooooo!" Randy and Drew exclaim as they walk toward us. The four of us walk to chorus talking about Colin.
"Let me punch the bitch," Randy says. I laugh and we walk into chorus. All period, we hold hands. When the bell rings we walk to the gym his arm around my waist, and mine around his. I put my head on his shoulder as we walk down the hallway. When I get into the locker room we kiss and wish each other good luck. After I'm done changing, I walk out into the gym and get warmed up. I take my seat on the bench, where I spend every game. Coach gets us into a group and goes over what we're going to be doing. Nobody scores in the first half of the game so we go into the locker room and discuss strategies. When we go back out, the starters go in. The score starts flip flopping. One minute we're winning, the next we're losing. There's ten seconds left in the fourth quarter, and we're down by one point. Dylan goes to take a shot when 24 from the other team shoves him to the ground. The ref blows the whistle, calling a foul. Dylan stands up and goes to the free throw line. He dribbles a couple times, takes the shot, and makes it. Because he did not make the shot when he was shoved, he has one more free throw. He looks at me and says,"This is for you babe." I start blushing as he dribbles three times, lines up the shot, and tosses the ball. It hits the backboard and ricochets into the rim. It rolls around the rim and then goes in. The crowd and our team cheers. Ten seconds later, we won the game. I run up to Dylan and throw my arms around him.
"I love you."
"I love you too." We hug and then he leaves. I watch him as he climbs into his car. His dad waves to me and then drives away. I sit on the bench in front of the school listening to music while think about Dylan. A couple minutes later my dad pulls up in the van. I climb in and go home.

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