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"Yeah? What were you wondering?"
"I was wondering..."
"Would you tutor me?"
"Thanks how much will you charge?"
"For you? Free."
"Awesome? Can you start next Friday?"
"Yeah see you tomorrow at school." Damn it! Why couldn't he have just asked me out? Is it that hard to say I was wondering if you wanted to go to a movie? No, I didn't think so. I start sobbing as I realize he's never going to like me.
"Dinner!" my mom yells. I throw my phone on my bed while I go downstairs and eat. After dinner, I finish my homework and take a shower.

At least I get to be around him more. Who knows, maybe it's like Mean Girls and he just wants to be tutored to get close to me. Maybe him and I will be alone one time and we'll start talking and he'll slowly fall in love with me. As I had these thoughts, I started to drift to sleep. I dreamt that I was over at Dylan's house tutoring him in science. A couple minutes later his mom said she has to go to the store but she'll be back soon and we should hold down the fort until then. We said OK and then she left. As I was explaining the Theory of Relativity, I looked up, our eyes locking. My words slowly decrescendoed as I drowned in the crystal blue pools that were his eyes. He started leaning forward for a kiss when all of the sudden his younger brother Adam came into the room. Somehow, my baby sister Guenn's screaming got into my dream because Adam started shrieking, waking me up. The yelling didn't stop though because it was actually Guenn screaming in the room next to mine wanting a clean diaper. Right at the best part! I look towards the Heavens and ask if God likes to play jokes on me or if it's just a hilarious coincidence. Thankfully nobody answers me.

About an hour later, my older brother Dylan comes in my room and wakes me for school. Unlike the normal teenager I hop out of bed excited because I know that in about a half an hour I'll get to see Dylan. After I get dressed, I go downstairs and eat breakfast. On TV is The Breakfast Club, the best movie in the universe. I finish eating, brush my teeth, and put all my homework in my backpack. I walk to the bus stop all the while thinking about basketball tryouts on Wednesday and Thursday. Don't worry you'll do fine. If you don't make the team, it's no big deal. After the ten minute bus ride of screaming and paper balls being thrown over my head, I finally get to school. In the cafeteria I see my friends Drew and Larry.
"Drew! Larry!" I exclaim while waving. Drew waves back but Larry avoids eye contact and walks away.
"Whats the matter with him?"
"He's just a little uncomfortable with the whole bi thing. You know how he's like really homophobic."
"Yeah I guess."
"Don't worry he'll come around."

After we're dismissed and allowed to go to our lockers I see him across the hall. All his friends group around him and start babbling about football. Even though he puts on a smile and laughs I can tell he has no idea what they're talking about.
"Ugh! There's Colin! Why does he have to be so attractive!" my friend Jessica whispers to me.
"What?" I ask confused, "I thought you liked Aaron."
"I do but I can still find people attractive but not like them."
"OK, I guess."
"Ugh! why does he have to be a dumb sportser?"
"I don't know. Here walk with me to first period."

When we arrived in first hour I couldn't help but look at Dylan. He was watching me walk in. At least he was until he saw me look at him. All throughout the period I kept glancing at him and every now and then I would catch him glancing at me. I don't really know what we were talking about in math but it was probably nothing important.

When the period ended, I had to suffer through 315 minutes of school before I could see Dylan again. Nothing really happened in eighth period except for we watched a cartoon version of A Midsummer Night's Dream. After that class ended I went to my locker and put all my stuff in it. From there, I went to the chorus room. The same stuff started happening except for instead of sitting right next to me, he sat on both Aaron's chair and his. As time passed he slowly shifted closer to me. About halfway through the class Aaron walked in.
"I don't want to move back by Matt," Dylan whispered to me.
"Then don't. Make him sit by Matt."
"OK. I practically control him!" he joked. Aaron sat where Dylan normally sits and all was right in the world. Well, at least until the bell rang. We walked out together, again. As we went separate ways, me going towards the front of the school to the buses and him to the back for cross country practice, I said have fun at cross country and then got on my bus. All the way home I thought about him and smiled.

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