Part Nine- The Reluctant Interaction

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"Hey, I'm sorry about you having to teach me and stuff," I jumped, startled at Theo stood by the door.

"Chipmunk!" I whispered breathless. The smirking idiot chuckled at my expense. "You don't sound sorry," I said at a loss for what do say whilst I was staring intently at his features. His bloody amazing features. Which i
I did not just say. Look away Arabella!

"Yeah I am. So tomorrow after school huh?" he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. I hit his arm, he sobered up a tiny bit.

"Douche!" but I laughed and then I began to question why my grandma was so accepting of me going to a strangers house, a stranger who was a boy.

"You know, I heard what happened yesterday," he stopped walking, running a hand through his floppy, dishevelled, messy black hair. "What they said." He looked at me sadly. "I just wished you would have punched that bastard."

"Yeah I know right," I smiled lightly changing the subject. I didn't want nor need to go into details about yesterday with him. There was no point.  "Come on" I nudged him. "You are dumb enough as it is, we don't need you missing more lessons," I joked, pulling him down the corridor by his arm. Deep conversation averted. Pat yourself on the back Arabella.

"We don't have lessons now," he said slowly like he was talking to a child. "We've got something called "tutor group" now, whatever the hell that is," he muttered whilst deep in thought.

"It's really not morse code," I laughed as he was still thinking.

"Well what is it then?" he asked curiously.

"It's just, uhmm, it's where we have an assigned teacher to a group of students. It's like a time where they check your okay and take registration, uhmm tell news and stuff. Who's your Tutor?"

"Mrs Foster? So it's not like education and stuff?"

Great he's got the same tutor as me, there is literally no getting away from the boy.

"Nah, We mainly just piss about, Mrs Foster is an alright teacher actually," I smiled faintly, remembering the things we have got up to in the past, things that I know most teachers would have had a heart attack about.

"A bit like home room then?" he called after me, jogging to catch up.

"Mhhm." I swung open the door to the room and a few heads shifted my way.

"Miss Van Der Patel," Mrs Foster greeted. "I presume you are Mr Henderson?"

"Yeah, Theodore," he replied smiling his pearly white teeth. Suck up.

"Why are you," she looked at her watch. "Thirty three minutes late?" She looked at me pointedly.

"Mr Whitehall had to see me and Theo. And this is the only time that tutor is  an hour long today, usually we would have finished this little lesson like twenty minutes ago, so no big deal." The thirty odd something just frowned and motioned us to sit down. Theo sat down next to me.

"Do you ever sit still?" I asked five minutes later in annoyance, as he kept running his hands through his hair and he then kept adjusting his tie before he proceeded to grab various pens from inside his blazer and trouser pockets.

"Quit being so fidgety" I groaned when he ignored me.

Before I could protest any further about his behaviour two pieces of paper landed on the desk, one in front of each of us. I scanned the paper as it said information about the impending school trip that was taking place in a few weeks' time, I wasn't going to be here. I was pretty pleased by the fact I didn't have to go and endure a school trip which may I add also included a weekend.

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