1. It all begins

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"Dont you just love the crisp autumn air,Rosa?" Charlotte,my closest friend questions me.

I take a deep breath,gazing in silent awe at the beautiful kaleidescope of autumnal oranges,before simply replying,"yes,more than anything...".

We stroll arm in arm around the boring playground before resting finally at the fence that blocks us off from the outside world.

Gingerly,we lower ourselves onto the piles of crisp yellowy leaves and indulge ourselves in a mini feast of lattices and hot chocolate from our flasks.

Its the only good part of my day,well for now. Schools unbelievably difficult so I spend most of my time there day dreaming about what life would be like elsewhere.

I'm a quiet one,you could say,but I choose to be. I prefer reading to socialising ,and one friend to many. No one really notices me anymore so I just get on with my business. That's what I like about Charlotte,she's exactly the same.

As I take a sip of hot-heaven,I turn to gaze at Charlotte. She's very typically pretty. She has white skin and very rosy cheeks because of the cold-ish weather. Her lips are pink and pouty and her nose is slightly upturned,like a little piglet. Her eyes are round and icy blue and her hair is a waterfall of blonde shades cascading down her back. I sigh,wishing I'd looked like her. She has the perfect life,compared to mine...

Good grades,lovely boyfriend(who I kind of like but oh well...),best dancer at the studio...and then there's me.

I'm slender and average height,but there's nothing special about me. My skin is the color of a mocha caramel latte and my eyes are large and muddy brown. Then there's my hair,naturally its curly and all over the place,but mostly its straightened to mid-back length. Sigh...

I stare into my cup,hoping to magically change one day...

"Hey baby,"i hear a familiar voice say and I turn my gaze upwards,hoping for once in my life someone's saying it to me.

My mood drops even lower as I see James,Charlotte's boyfriend. She happily leaves her faithful spot besides me and hugs him tightly. He lovingly lifts her up and spins her around and her face lifts with delight.

As they smooch and catch up quietly,i sit there awkwardly,my jealousy levels rising by the minute.

They're the perfect couple and honestly suit more than anything else,but for once,I want to be in that position. But no. Every lad I know is an absolute idiot to me and thinks I'm weird. And they play girls like that. Welcome to England.

Finally they bid their farewells and Charlotte takes her rightful place on the throne,with me the unworthy servant girl sat skulking next to her.

She's all smiles.

"James is taking me to Flo's Diner after school..." I don't hear the rest of what she says because I can't be bothered reminding her that we both have a shift there every Thursday after school. I guess she forgot already...

"You really should be thinking of getting a boyfriend now,after all we're fifteen now....Are you alright?"

Her voices suddenly softens as she places a perfectly elegant hand on my blazer shoulder.

"I didn't mean to make you feel left out... You're my best mate,and mates are before dates".

I summon all my energy and smile just a little bit,to let her know that I'm alright. For now.

After a long and tiresome day at school,I have a two hour shift at the diner. Its pretty close to home so I'm alright,but at the moment ,I just want to go home and delve into a fantasy novel...

I push open the door to the diner and the familiar scent of burgers and milkshake hits me. I feel a sudden burst of hope,but as I take a few steps into the diner,all glimmer disappears.

I see a bunch of chavvy boys from my school sit down at a table,rudely gesturing towards each other and practically shouting at the top of their lungs.

Quickly I make my way to the back room ,praying and hoping with all my willpower that they won't turn around and see me. Luckily,I make my way to the changing room and pull off my uniform. Usually it feels like I'm pulling away the worries and stress of school,but today it feels as though I'm putting more and more on by the second...

Moodily I step out of the swinging doors, and focus on what I'm here for; getting moneyy.

Before I know it,I'm back to my usual bubbly self,serving all the customers and for an hour or so,I manage to avoid that side of the diner until...

"Hey,waiter," I hear someone shout over the general chat of the restaurant,but continue with my business thinking its a fragment of my imagination.

Suddenly I feel a rough hand on my shoulder.

"Are you gonna serve us or what?" Dylan,one of the lads from my school bellows into my face,spit flying everywhere,"get us all milkshakes Rosalie or whatever-you're-called..."
A deep blush begins to engulf my cheeks as I know hell be telling people I work here.
"Why you going red...? Wait you're that girl that chills with the pretty one,Charlotte I think..."
I swiftly turn on my heels, pacing towards the kitchens and holding back screams of frustration as to why they just had to be here on a Thursday.
Tears begin to well into my eyes as I quickly prepare seven vanilla shakes and stack them all neatly onto a tray.
Glumly,I summon the courage to approach their table,wishing I had a mask or ANYTHING to cover my face at the moment.
Dylan,from before,sees me coming and gestures for his mates to look over in my direction.
My skin goes hotter again as all seven-well now eight-turn and look at me as if I'm a circus freak with half a body.
I notice Char sitting amongst them,hands and arms entwined with James and a look of sympathy and regret shadows over her face-even a slight touch of embarrassment.
Pangs of anger overwhelm my uttermost being as my eyes cast down,ashamed to be me as I finally arrive alongside their table.

All is silent.
I can feel their chavvy eyes penetrating my skin and I lay them each a milkshake-except for Charlotte of course.
"Ehem..."Hunter let's out,stifling his giggles afterwards as the others start to splutter at me. I feel like crying. Again.
"That'd be £41.90" I state,letting my hair fall forwards.
"Ain't ya gonna give us a discount babycakes?"Hunter says,raising an eyebrows,"actually,join us,we've got a spare seat here..." He gestures towards his own lap and the blood boils.
"£41.90 please,and no I've got better standards than THAT seat..." I smile smugly at them as Charlotte,James,Danny and the rest of them begin to laugh at Hunter. His face shadows but he silently hands over the money.
"Thanks and enjoy your shakes," I turn, flicking my hair.

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