"So you and THE Daniel are checking?"

I blush at her innocent and immature choice of language as she gracefully sips from her latte,occasionally stirring it and her brows furrowing in an unknown manner to me.
"I wouldn't say so," I begin, shyly messing around with the cream on my cappuccino," I mean it was only a kiss,and he's with Sasha-"
"DONT wanna hear that girls name again. Can't stand the bitch ,and besides, from what I've seen and heard ,you two are into each other. PLUS he's staying at yours while your parents are away- SEX HEAVEN"
I feel a pang of guilt and worry run through me but laugh it off as we stand up and pay our overly priced bill before strolling in the frosty grass down towards Char's.
From the corner of her street I see a wary James, hair askew and a disorientated,faraway look occupying his features.
He's wrapped up in thick cardies and a jacket that most definitely compliments his figure.
When he finally realized us two coming down the street towards him, he hesitates before pacing towards us and before I know it, Char is enveloped in his masculine arms and he grips tightly.
Something seems off about this...
"Babe we need to speak,can we go," he indirectly tries to make me leave so I take the hint and venture off by myself back home,leaving Charlotte confused as to what's going on before being dragged away.

I pace myself.
Practically one foot in front of the other as I'm dreading dealing with Danny being in my house. I mean,its not necessarily a bad thing, but I just refuse to come to terms that he of all people just happen to be at mine.

The tension fills me and my heart pace lifts as I slowly turn the knob and push open the back door,praying he won't hear me.
Silence. I take one step in. Silence still.

My fears leave me momentarily before I let out a deep breath and more confidently,tiptoe across the kitchen, throwing my bag down along the way.

A Christmas KissWhere stories live. Discover now