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That evening when I arrive home everything seems hazy. Like I'm lost,yet again in my own dream world...

The two of us slowly climb the stairs of my dimly lit front porch and find ourselves standing,facing each other again ,smiling and talking.
Deja vu.
His hand slowly squeezes mine and his eyes twinkle with intensity down into mine.
"You're mine." He almost inaudibly whispers.
I smile up at him.
"I'm yours..."
He then bends down and gives me one last craved kiss before the two of us stumble into my house,closing and locking the door behind us.
The house is warm and bustling,for some reason.

The two of us walk into the living room and there,sat on the couch is occupied with Lynn and Daisy,who are noisily slurping from large hot cocoas and watching a happy-go-lucky Christmas comedy.
Oh how I do love this.
"Hey you love birds," Lynn calls over,but not really paying much attention to the time it is and where we have been.
Danny goes and joins in with the movie fun whilst I rush upstairs and get changed into PJ shorts and a top before rushing downstairs again to start dinner.
Without hesitation I rush into preparing one of my favorite autumn dishes: Butternut Squash and sage risotto with boysenberry pie as dessert.
"I didn't know you could cook," I hear a voice from behind me say.
I turn around and Danny is there,yet again is his hilarious PJs and I just smile before replying simply:
"I can do a lot of things."
He smirks at me flirtatiously and I go red like crazy and turn away,pretending to be too focussed on the preparing of this meal.
I sense him approaching me and go redder.
His masculine arms snake around my waist from behind and he rests his chin on my shoulder,kissing my cheek every now and then.
"Ewww he'll give you cooties!" A child like scream says and Danny detaches himself from me.
Daisy runs up to me and plasters her body to my legs and waist.
She has an adorable drop lip as she says with a stutter ," I don't like you!"
Danny pretends to look hurt and squats down next to her.
"That's okay. You will have to one day when I marry your sister!"
I freeze ,not knowing what to say or do,seeing that not only Daisy understood, but Lynn froze mid step on her way into the kitchen.
"Wow," she laughs to herself,before placing her mugs in the sink and beginning to rinse them.
My face is a million degrees by this time and Danny giggles.
"Its true though," and he stands up,but grabs me too and swipes me off my feet and spinning me around, Daisy and Lynn watching in awe.


That night I am thoroughly exhausted as Danny takes me up to my room. He bundles me under the duvet cover and tucks my blanket around me in, before planting a gentle kiss on my forehead and a ghostly one on my lips.
I smile,sliding in and out of sleep and see his lips move to say something,but I don't get it because I am now falling into deep , hypnotising lullaby of sleep...

A Christmas KissWhere stories live. Discover now