The next morning and abnormally icy wind tears away the last of autumns golden leave.
Wrapped up all snug in my duvet,I sit up slowly,drawing in a deep breath. I can feel the hints of snow tingling my senses as I drop my duvet and stumble over the the window sill,draw back my curtain and throw open the shutters.
I inhale deeply through my nostrils,a smile crawling across my lips. I can smell the snow coming. It's almost December.
As I rest lazily on the window pane, I gaze out at the scenery that I wait for year after year.
The grass of our small front yard reaches upwards as their tips are just barely,yet noticeably covered with a shocking whiteness. there's also a slight chill in the air and i'm fully glad that it's Saturday,meaning I can just sit back and enjoy my favorite weather of all time.
I pull the shutters closed and fix my bed before running down the stairs and screaming at the top of my voice,before remembering Lynn and Danny were staying till Monday morning.
A deep blush seems to take over my face as I rush into the kitchen.
Out of the cupboard, I grab an untouched boy of Apple Jacks and twirl in the most wild fashion around the kitchen,humming "All I Want For Christmas". Well,of course I want snow I mean that's THE greatest part of winter, but I realise how ironic I sound as I quote the lyrics.
"I don't want a lot for Christmas
there is just one thing I need
And I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree..."

By the time I'm at the chorus I know that I've woken up the whole house with my singing(more like cackling) as I've heard several people use to bathroom.
"Well,maybe singing isn't your strong point ," a voice states confidently from behind me.
I swivel round and there's Danny leaning against the fridge.
He looks even better as sleepy Danny. His hair is slightly tousled as his pajamas are just as old tee and teddy bear bottoms.
Instead of being embarrassed as I would usually have been, I laugh at his pants.
"Like your pants!" I say ,pouring myself a bowl of Apple Jacks as I heat up the stove.
We continue a regular friendly conversation as if none of the previous events had never occurred and he even helps out making everyone breakfast. We continuously fry eggs and toast bread until the others join us from upstairs. Danny steps away from me as the door opens.
"Hey Lynn," I say,placing the final plate on the dining table,"Bon Apetite!"
I finish with a flourish and see her smile,glancing from Danny and back to me and probably wondering why everything's so normal after last night.
We all congregate around the table and tuck in savagely for my-our- delicious meal. Daisy remains quiet and obedient and it looks like the mornings going well...
"Right," starts Lynn ,"I'll get Daisy bathed and dressed for ballet and then I have to go to the library to study."
A pang of worry hits me as I realise that I'm going to be alone with Danny for a couple of hours. It could all end up like a volcanic explosion,or it could become really sweet. I blush at that but push the thought aside remembering what I was told previously.
Everyone's eyes lay on me with questioning looks.
"Uh,I'm going out with..With Char later!" I say,improvising,"And,and I just remembered something funny she messaged me!" I scrape back my chair and run out of the room,phoning up Charlotte.
"Charlotte!" I whisper scream into my mobile once I'm behind closed doors.
"Sup?" She croaks out lightly,"I'm still in bed!" I hear James' voice muffled voice near her.
"Yeah and I wonder why..."
She giggles slightly and I hear James' heavy snores in the background.
"Listen Char,I need you to meet me in an hour at Costa! We need to talk!"
She becomes really serious and abruptly seems awake,knowing it's probably serious so she cuts the line to get up and get dressed.

I hop quickly in and outta my shower as Daisy is getting ready and get prepared to meet her. I slip myself into leggings and an oversized jumper with winter accessories such as a scarf and ear muffs. Oh how I adore dressing like this...
Just as I'm leaving my room,Daisy is rushing out in her pink ballet leotard. I love how she still finds the time and energy to love such simple things. I still do ballet at the studio with Char, but of course I'm no where near as talented as her.
I sigh and carry her down the stairs.

Charlotte looks at me with an utter look of shock shadowing over her face. Her mouth literally hangs open.



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