Chapter 13

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June 19th, 2016 1:46 am

I avoided the youtubers for almost five months now, I been all over the east side of country from Ohio to new York to Idaho and back to Indiana. during those months I spray painted riot and never got caught, I admit I was a bit stupid spray painting on a billboard in the middle of the day so instead I've been spray painting at night. there are new rules and the government and police force are enforcing them, also spray cans are banded and now we have curfew's. If we don't obey the rules our penalty is, of course, death. if they want to catch us, I suggest not terrorizing the public and loosen the rules some. I sighed as I jumped onto the bullet train leading to Ohio, I sat in the carry and looked in the darkness of the cart. the last time I ever sat in one was the last day I spent with mark and the day I first met ken. I felt a small smile spread across my face as I stared at the cracks, barley showing the moon light.

" How are you?" a voice startled me in the darkness.

" Um... good?" I meant it as a statement but instead it came out as question.

" I'm good too, why are you here?" the mans voice echo's in the cart as the train starts moving.

" I'm going to Ohio" I say and narrow my eyes to where I think the voice is coming from.

" No, I meant, why go back there?" the voice sounds disappointed.

" Because-" I sigh. " I have friends that need me" I lie, well kind of, I remember what Jake said if they're my allies, they're my friends.

" Oh, I'm going back because of a unsuccessful search for my friend" unsuccessful search? who is he searching for?

" Who are you searching for?" I ask and I swear I can feel his eyes narrow at me.

" A friend" he says before he asks" What's your name?" it was my turn to narrow my eyes at him

" None of your business" I say and saw a glimpse of his face from the moon light.

" Fine, my name is mark"

" As in markiplier?" I ask and felt the tension in the cart stiffen some.

" Yes" he says and I listened carefully to his voice, what did it sound like again? screw it.

"I forgive you" I say and I heard his foot steps come towards me and I felt a presence sit next to me. " And now I understand" I say and heard him ask about what. " How you didn't trust me after I let you stay in my house" I whisper and watched his outline of his figure sit down next to me.

" Maya?" he asks with hope in his voice

" The one and only" I say with a grin and the next thing I knew we were hugging. I told him about everything that happened, after I left the alley, up to now.

" So you really spray painted the sentence?" he asks and I nod before remembering he cant see me.

" Yes, and I've been on the run since then"

"What's the next step?"

" Well, I think the world knows we're here... so maybe make a appearance?"

" What do you mean?"

" The youtubers need to stop hiding, and walk into a store or something. one of the things the government doesn't want us to do is get comfortable in public" I say as the train stops. I stand up and stretch, walking over to the door before sliding it open and jumping onto the platform below, I turn to mark and seen him do the same, I grin as he faces me.

" Wow, you look tired" He says and we walk towards the direction of town.

" Well, my sleep schedule changed. I sleep during the day and riot at night" I say and a few minutes later we arrived in town, he drags me into the ally next to the television store. this is the same alley I left him in, I realized as I glanced at him, he seems to be realizing the same thing.

" So what did the note say?" I ask, remembering wade having a note.

" It was a location and instructions." I guess the location is the safe house, but what were the instructions? mark seemed to jump to the answer before I could ask it.

" the instructions were... not simple but don't worry about it. it's in the past" I narrow my eye's as I drop the subject.

" So you were looking for me? why?"

" We needed to know if you were alive and we also needed the next step."

"How many people do you have?" I ask and toss a idea around my head.

"I'm not sure, we could of gained a few people or lost some" he shrugs and exits the ally, I follow him and a few minutes later we're walking towards the woods nearby.

" What's in there?" I ask as I stopped at the edge.

" Freedom" Mark says as he steps over a fallen log, I mimic his footsteps until we come across a location, rather a abandon house in the middle of the woods. " this is our hidden place." mark says as he opens the creaking door and ushers me inside before closing it. I walk into the closest room next to me, a living room, I walk towards the fireplace and found a very old news paper on the ground, it was dated January 5th, 2016.

" Did you read this?" I turn to mark with the news paper in my hands and look up from the article.

" Ken showed it to me" Mark says and leans against the door way, facing me. I read the article and quote " she is a threat to everyone."

"Huh, no wonder that police officer was mad" I said and place the news paper back on the ground. I glance at mark to see him moving the couch. I watch as he lifts a hatch off of the ground, where the couch was over, and I peek inside.

" What's this?" I ask as I looked at him.

" Its a passage way, a underground tunnel. it has many passage ways, the tunnel range all over the state." a long tunnel with passage ways, huh.

" When was this built?" I ask as I go down the ladder and into the darkness.

" It was built for slaves, when they were on the run. but we use it as a safe house." mark says as he closes the hatch and goes down the ladder.

" If it was for slaves, then what does that make us?" I ask once he stood next to me in the darkness, he fills around the wall as he found a torch and used a lighter that he had in his pocket.

" Runaways" he shrugs and walks in a random direction. I sigh and follow him for what feels like hours but probably only minutes . it wasn't until I ran into mark, that I realized that we stopped.

" We're here" mark says and I glance at him and the door.

" The safe house?" I ask and he nods.

" Are you ready?" his hand reaches out to the handle and looks at me.

" As ready as I'll ever be" I say and he nods slightly before opening the door.

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