You all are gonna hate me for this...

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Yea, this is gonna be a pretty unfortunate chapter, but I made my desicion already. No, I'm not deleting my account! But, I am gonna be on A LOT less. My grades have been falling and I need to keep a steady mind about it. I want less things on my shoulders right now, so for now, I'm rarely gonna be on. Though, it's not just gonna be wattpad and my other social medias. I will be putting video games aside, too. I know they mean a lot to me, (no life! No life!) though, it's for the best. I'm so sorry. I'M SORRY! ><;

Not only that, but rough times are just interupting the happy ones. My mood has been going up and down, personally. Just... All of you out there, stay happy. Okay? Okay. Well, see you all later and have an amazing rest of your day and live an awesome life! ^^

Word count: 156

Lumie's Book of Boredom #2Where stories live. Discover now