Wasabi x Gogo

233 8 2

Ship name: Wasabigo

From: Big. Hero. 6. Best. Disney. Movie. Ever. After. The. Lion. King. And. Mulan.

I don't ship this. I'm sort of a Gogozilla shipper now. Don't judge, it's sort of cute. I also ship Hirogo, but it depends. Sometimes it's a little too.............fluffy and it makes me want to puke into a can.

Ya know what they say, opposites attract.

But people are weird in modern days now.



Yeah, yeah you expect me to say HAPPY HALLOWEEN.

Well I for a fact HATE Halloween.

I got bitten by a black cat when I was younger on Halloween. That's one reason why I hate cats.

Yeah, what's more fun than little kids dressed up as weirdos at night coming to your freakin house for candy? Does anyone watch the news!?

Okay no one watches the news except for the older people.

Oh, and have fun getting snatched by Jason or Slender man.

I mean................totally kidding.


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