8. How You Sleep

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When Steve and you slept together, he slept on his back and you slept snuggled up to his side with you head on his chest. He would wrap an arm around you, holding you as close to him as possible and make you feel safe and secure. You usually had one hand resting next to your head and as Steve drifted off to sleep you would rub light circles on his chest.


In Bucky's eyes you were the most precious part of his life and even in his sleep he felt like he needed to protect you. Therefore you two spooned and of course he was the big spoon. He slept on his left side with his metal arm stretched out over your side of the bed with a nice, big, fluffy pillow on top of it for you to put your head. One benefit of having a metal arm is he never had to worry about his arm falling asleep during the night. His human arm was always wrapped around you holding you tightly to his chest. This was perfect for you because you felt safe in his arms and being so close to his chest allowed you to feel his heartbeat, which lulled you to sleep pretty much every night.


You slept on your back and Pietro started out the night sleeping curled up to your side. He would wrap an arm around you holding you tightly to him, while resting one of his legs over your legs. He would also nuzzle into your neck and leave light kisses there as you drifted off to sleep. Pietro, though never stayed still for long. Almost immediately after he fell asleep Pietro would toss and turn all over the bed and his limbs would flail pretty much everywhere, honestly you never knew how you could sleep through it. When you woke up in the morning it was not uncommon for you to find him sprawled out on top of you, or every once in a while on the floor.


You and Loki spooned as well, although you guys would switch off who was the big spoon and little spoon. There was no specific schedule to who would be the big spoon, it usually was determined by who needed comforting more that night. If you were the big spoon you would wrap your arm over his torso, and curl your legs up resting behind his, and you would nuzzle your nose into his hair. If he was the big spoon he would hold your hand over your torso, and rest one of his legs over you. Since, he was taller than you he would rest his chin just above your head and right before he fell asleep he quickly kissed the top of it.


Clint and you would sleep in a spooning position with him in place as the big spoon. Though for you two cuddling up close to one another wasn't considered too pleasant, so you kept a little bit a breathing space between you. It was only a couple of inches so that you weren't too far apart and could still subconsciously tell that the other was there. Clint also rested a hand lightly on your hip to let you know he was still there.


When you and Thor started to cuddle you would be resting your head on his chest and he would be holding you close to him with one arm. As you two fell asleep though, he would tentatively push you up, until you were sleeping entirely on top of him. This was more comfortable for him because it gave him more room to spread out his large form on the bed.


Tony and you would generally start the night cuddling, usually with you sleeping with your head on his chest. This however this did not last until the morning. You both tossed and turned around the bed quite a bit throughout the night. By the time morning rolled around the two of you were sprawled out across the whole bed, sometimes there were even a few limbs hanging off the sides of the bed. He somehow would end lying on his stomach and you would be on your back underneath one of his arms. The pillows also had a tendency to end up on the floor instead of the bed.


Nat wasn't too big on cuddling, but she still wanted to be near you when you two slept so that she could always be there for you. You would sleep on you back with one hand resting over your abdomen. Nat would sleep on her side next to you, and she would place her hand over yours on your abdomen, occasionally running her thumb over yours softly.


The two of you never liked to take your eyes off of each other, including when you were going to bed. So, you and her slept facing each other with very little space between you and your legs would be tangled together. You also had tendency to hold hands and usually fell asleep smiling at one another.

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