76. When They Are Protective

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He wraps his arm securely around your waist and holds you as tightly to his side as possible.


Bucky holds you as close to him as possible, wrapping both arms around you, making sure that his metal arm and body are between you and any potential harm.


Pietro gets anxious and hovers around you constantly. He nervously paces around and makes sure to have and eye on you at all times.


Loki holds you close to his chest with one arm wrapped around you shoulders, and the other arm free to protect you with.


Clint will literally put his body directly between you and the perceived threat acting as a human shield.


Whenever he thinks you might be at risk he follows you around constantly, and when he can't he makes someone else follow you. It can be quite annoying.


Tony tries his best to make sure that you stay secure at home until he knows you're safe


Nat is protective over you all day, every day. She makes sure to take care of any threats far away from you though.


She becomes uncharacteristically aggressive and won't settle down until she's sure you're safe.

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