17. Cute Music Moments They Love

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Pretty much every time that you're over Steve's place you turn the record player on and offer your hand to Steve for a dance. You both enjoy dancing together, and it's also a great way for Steve to catch up on music, because you buy him new records so you have more music to dance to.


Your friend who owns the dive bar is also in a band and sometimes he asks you to fill in on bass when the his other friend can't make it to a gig. You enjoy playing occasionally and the crowds at the bar are always great. Bucky loves watching you play, and having fun with your friends, so whenever you play he is in the crowd to cheer you on.


Your alarm clock is also your iPod dock, so whenever you wake up in the morning it's to music you enjoy. It's the only way that you are at all a morning person, so when you do wake up you sing along to the music and dance to it while getting dressed. Pietro thinks this adorable, amusing, and a great thing for him to wake up to every morning.


You play piano. You don't usually enjoy playing in front of people, but after Loki accidentally came home to you playing once he can't get enough of it. So he's convinced to play for him by asking you to teach him to play. You knew what he was doing, but you decided to teach him anyway, it was a wonderful way you to spend time with each other and a way to share a piece of yourself with him.


You play guitar, mostly acoustic covers of your favorite songs. Clint thinks it's wonderful and tries to get you to play for him all of the time. You usually save it for special occasions, such as when he returns from a mission, or on holidays. Although sometimes he's lucky to catch you practicing when he comes home earlier than expected on a regular day.


 Whenever you clean your apartment you put on the album White Noise by PVRIS and sing along quietly to every song. Even though it's quiet, Thor loves listening to you sing along, it's pretty much the whole reason he so willing to help you clean when he's around.


Sometimes when Tony's working too long in the lab and you want to spend time with him, you go down there and start blasting AC/DC. Then you start dancing around trying to convince him to join you. He usually laughs at you for minute before joining in.


You sing in the shower whenever you think you're home alone, quite well I might add. Since Natasha comes home without warning she catches you a lot. Whenever she comes home and hears you singing it instantly makes her smile, since you're one of the few people who actually puts effort into your shower singing. 


You love to sing in the car. Whenever you drive you throw on some Green Day and rock out as intensely as is safe for a driver. Wanda thinks it hilarious and wonderful, and she always laughs when you do it. Sometimes, as she gets to know the songs better, she'll join in and you'll both be laughing hysterically by the time you reach your destination.

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