45. Your fears

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You're afraid that you aren't good enough for Steve. The man is literally Captain America, he has a heart of gold and always does the right thing. That is a hard standard to live up to and sometimes you feel like even though you try to be the best person you can be you have still made mistakes that aren't entirely redeemable. 


You're worried that someday Bucky is going to give up on himself. You know what Bucky thinks of himself and that he doesn't know if redemption is something he can achieve. You know he tries to and that his past tears him apart. This fear is one of the many reasons that you constantly remind him that he is better than he thinks.


You are scared that your life isn't interesting enough for Pietro. He is a hero, who has literally saved the world and you're normal. He finds you completely perfect and is always interested in your life, but sometimes you worry that he's just humoring you. Of course he isn't, but it still concerns you occasionally.


You're scared that Loki will find someone better. You don't see yourself the way he does, you don't see the beauty and intrigue that has him so completely in love with you. You see women all the time that you think are more beautiful and interesting than you are, but Loki only has eyes for you and he makes sure to tell you that all the time.


You are terrified that one day Clint isn't going to come home from a mission. Every time that he walks out the door to leave for a mission you worry about his safety. The only thing that keeps you going is knowing how skilled he is and the constant phone call check-ins he makes to make sure that you are okay.


You are afraid that one day Thor will no longer be able to come back from Asgard to you. You know that Asgard is his home, and that he belongs there but you don't ever want to loose him and every time he goes to Asgard that risk is there. Every time he goes you worry until he returns and whenever he comes home late that fear is even more present.


You are afraid that you aren't as beautiful as the models and actresses that Tony is surrounded by all of the time. He, of course, thinks you are ten time more gorgeous, but like many others on the world you can't see yourself the way others do. This is why you have trouble seeing what Tony does and why you have this fear.


Every time that Nat leaves for a mission you are scared that you're going to get a phone call telling you that she's gone. When she is away, answering your phone become a terrifying task and your hands shake whenever it rings. You find yourself praying that Nat's okay every time, even though you aren't religious.


You are afraid that her working with the Avengers is going to get her hurt. Wanda is the most precious part of your life and the idea of anything happening to her scares the hell out of you. Working with the Avengers isn't exactly the safest career option so you have even more reason to worry about her.

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