*Hes in the hospital*

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Calum- (just friends) You were reading a book when you got a phone call from your friend Luke. You picked up and answered.
"I'm y/n?" Luke said through the phone
"What's up luke?"
"Uh funny story actually Calum just broke his arm can you meet us at the hospital." You said yes then hung up.

When you got to Calums ER room the boys were all their with him. He looked tired with his head against the wall and his arm tucked into his chest.
"What did you do?" You asked trying to hold back a laugh.
"Oh hey ya um I kind of uh"
"HE FELL OUT OF A TREE" Michael bursted out laughing causing you to laugh too.
"Hey" Calum pouts. You boost yourself up and sit next to him on the doctors table.
"Aw you'll be okay bud does it hurt?" You ask rubbing his back.
"I can't feel it right now" he replys and the doctor walked in to give him a cast.
Ashton- (your brother) You were over your friends house just chilling out when your mom called you.
"Hey sweetie I'm coming to get you right now."
"But I thought you were picking me up later-"
"I'm out front I'll explain later" she sounded panicked. You nervously pack your things and excuse yourself.

When you got in the car you looked at your moms worried face.
"Y/n Ashton was rushed into surgery for appendicitis" she tells you on your way to the hospital.

Two hours later
You felt alone. You felt like your mom didn't care. Your mom dropped you at the hospital and went to a bar.
"Irwin" a doctor called out. You pick your head up and stand up. You looked way to young to be doing this.
"I'm his little sister" you told him.
"hello dear your brothers out of surgery but he's not awake"
"Can I see him"
"Only with a parent" you must have looked defeated because he asked you what's wrong.
"I'm really not sure when my mom will be back" you choke.
"Oh well fine" he lead you to your brothers bedside.
Half hour later.
His eyes fluttered open. He looked side to side. He tried to sit up and groaned in pain. You were scared to see him like that.
"Hey y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He smiled at you
"Hey Ash" you whisper.
"Where's mum?" He asked
"Not sure I think she went to the bar" you look down at your lap.
"It's gonna be okay" Ashton told you.
Luke- in his POV
"Luke!" I heard her scream and that was it. I fell to the ground my legs caving from underneath me. Everything went black and quiet.
I looked around at my settings realizing I was in a hospital room. I sat up straight in my bed only do be told to lie down by a doctor.
"Hey there Luke I'm doctor Jane it seems that you have had a severe panic attack but your ok now" I nodded understanding what was going on.
"Uh is there anyone here for me?" I asked thinking about (y/n)
"Yes a young girl named Y/n"
"Can I please see her" I asked and she said yes. Moments later the prettiest girl in the world was at my bedside. She had been crying.
"Hey beautiful" I smiled at her
"You scared me" she whispered.
"Come here" I motioned her to come lie next to me in the hospital bed. She cuddled into my side and we both fell asleep.
Michael- your have just been told your boy friend Michael was in a motorcycle accident. He has been in surgery for 2 hours and you couldn't help but worry. You opened your phone and clicked on your texts. You scrolled to the top of you and Michaels conversation. You read from when he first got your number to when he asked you out. You started crying looking through the ones when he proclaimed his love for for you.
"Michael Clifford's family?" A doctor asked coming in the waiting room. You were the only one to stand up...no one else was here for him, not even his parents.
"He's awake but he's not in great shape just a warning" she explained. She lead you through a door that lead to Michael. You gasp and ran over to his bed side. He held your hand and breathed out "I love you more than anything in the world y/n"
"I love you more Clifford." You squeezed his hand.

A/n HAPPY HALLOWEEEENN! This chapter was kind of sad to write:/

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