*You get injured and hes watching you* ~Luke~

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Luke- "Hey bestest friend" your best friend Luke says coming up behind you in the hallway.
"Hello Hemmings" you reply
"Where you off to next?" He asks you
"I have a free period" you tell him
"Ughhhh I have Science" he whines. You walk with him down the halls to science class. You take the corner heading towards the science lab when Thomas Healy captain of the hockey team pins Luke up against the lockers. You get startled and confused at the situation. Luke's books flew to the ground.
"What's up loser" Thomas said getting real close to Luke's face.
"Uhhhh"- THWACK. Thomas punches Luke across the face.
"LUKE! What the hell was that for Thomas?" You yell making a big mistake. He lets go of Luke and charges towards you. He grabs your shoulders making your books gal and pushes you down with your books. As you fall you put your arms out to break your fall. When you hit the ground you heard a snap.
The bell rings and everyone runs to class except you and Luke. He rubs over to you while you hold your wrist wincing in pain.
"Oh no it's really swollen y/n"
"But Luke so is your eye!" You fought.
"Let's go were both leaving to get to the doctors now!" He says helping you up.

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