Chapter 1

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Ten Years Later...

I heard her high heels clicking on the concrete floor. The wails of criminals alerted me to someone who had power. Someone who could get me out. Or someone who wanted to use me. I knew which one it was. I licked my blue lips. I sat up on my cot and waited for the person to be revealed. I smelled the heavy scent of cheap perfume. And another thing. Fear. She was scared to meet me. She didn't know how I'd react. I was used to this. People being afraid of me. Who wouldn't be afraid when they saw a six foot five eighteen-year-old with wild blue and green hair, blue lips and pointy blue nails. It was the way they treated me that really got on my nerves. I wasn't treated like a criminal, I was treated like a prisoner of war. Like they were torturing me for information they thought I had. I was examined, poked and prodded, cut and burned for the thing that made me tick. They wanted to know how I was made. They couldn't ask the scientist who made me because he blew himself up. He refused to give them the information. For that, I was locked up in prison with pitiful men and their gangs who thought they were cool for murdering people. I hadn't done anything. I rarely see the light of day. I'm chained to the wall with nothing in my cell except a cot. My creator made me for being the ultimate thief, but not until I was in my twenties. He told me that and while I was still innocent, I should learn as much as I could in case robbery didn't work out. I was taught college level math and science. But the officers came in and kidnapped us. They confirmed that he blew himself up a few days later. Now I'm eighteen and have been an orphan for over eight years. It's not fun.

"Here we are," an officer said. He looked at me and to the lady in a pencil skirt and blazer.

"What now?" I hissed. The lady caught sight of my teeth.

"Your-." She was scared.

"I know my teeth are pointy. I thought you would've prepared yourself," I sneered.

"Behave yourself monster," the officer said.

"You did not call me a monster!" I roared launching myself at the bars. I was held back by the chains.

"Novia Mace. Restrain yourself. You are going to help me," the lady said. I growled at her.

"Do not say my name with your foul mouth," I snarled, "Or I will rip you to shreds no matter the cost. I just got done with the tests and my blood is beyond boiling." She was taken aback.

"Tests? What tests?" she asked.

"The kind with scalpels, needles, and pain," I said. She looked at my officer.

"She's lying." I laughed.

"Concern and fear. Weirdest scent ever," I said. She paled.

"You can-?"

"I should lower my expectations for everyone who comes to visit! All of you are clueless billionaires," I said coldly, "I hope you all get the plague and die." She frowned.

"What plague?" she asked. I shook my head.

"A dream of mine. I'll tell you later if I feel like it." I was putting on a show. It was being cold or an emotional wreck. My creator told me to stay strong in life and I'll gain respect for being different. If only he knew, he'd be furious.

"Oh. Officer, un-cuff this young creature," the lady said. He nodded politely. Invisible cameraman. Knew it. The officer was the evilest man on Earth. He was trying to be respectable this time. I growled at the lady.

"I'm still human. But go ahead. Cuff me up for months at a time with no sunlight or exercise. I'm sure it'll make you guys look good," I said sarcastically. My officer paled.

"Stop it," he said unlocking the cell door. I grinned.

"So, cameraman. You getting this? Being un-cuffed for the first time in about a year. I was starting to think they'd have to cut my hands off," I said. I held my wrists out the officer. He unlocked me. I rubbed my sore wrists.

"Come on," he said holding out another pair of cuffs.

"Not a chance," I growled.

"She- Did you get that?" he demanded, "She won't let me cuff her again. I'm trying to keep everyone else safe." I rolled my eyes.

"The only thing you're trying to keep safe is your reputation," I said walking out of the cell. I walked down the hall.

"Bye guys! See you in a few weeks. Or whenever they decide to send me back," I said loudly. I caught a glimpse of Ralfie. He was furious. He thought he was so much better than me. I walked out the doors and saw the van. I bolted towards it. I heard my officer scream. I stopped at the back and stomped my feet.

"Put on your big boy pants Chief! I was just stretching out!" I said. I saw the snipers of the roof. The lady unlocked the van and I jumped in the back, slamming the doors shut.

"Hey! Open the door!" she yelled.

"Nope," I said putting my feet on the bench across from me, "Unless you want my knees shoved in your face." She didn't say anything. I gnawed at my fingernails to shorten them. They'd grow back tomorrow, short, but sharp. I heard some people jump into the front and drive away. I occupied myself with my plague. What would it do? What would it be called? How many people would it wipe out? How painful would it be? How much joy I would I get out of testing it? Call me a sadist, but you would be too if your creator self-destructed and left you alone at the age of ten to be tested on and abused. There were child abuse laws that clearly didn't apply to me. I huffed at the thought.

I hate them all. I'll make my plague painful and highly infective. I grinned at the thought.

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