Anxious. (A poem)

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Don't look at me for too long.


Don't look at me

Don't notice my flaws

Because they're the only thing I see.

A thousand thoughts whirring

Constantly sounding

Rattling around me

Do I look okay?

Do I look fat in this shirt?

People are looking at me

They're going to notice me

Everyone is judging me

I'm so ugly

I'm so ugly

I'm not skinny enough

I'm not pretty enough

I'm not smart enough

I'm not enough

Constant worry

Constant pick pick picking at yourself

A knot always in the pit of your stomach

Every word hurts

Each syllable,



is over-analyzed

to the point where

my head is hurting

and everyone hates me.

And I'm crazy and stupid

Because anxiety isn't real

It's all for attention

Stop lying

Stop faking

Stop crying

It's not real!


Don't look at me.

*****A/N******* Wrote this today in class. The assignment was to write a poem in the form, "What it's like to be ________, for those who don't know." Tell me what you think? xox

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