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It was  a sunny day,
She wish to stay on her bed,
And just there she'd lay,
It was too early but she's already fed,
With the people's noise and chithats,
With the peoples eyes and sweat,
For she could only swear,
If she had a choice she wouldn't be there,
She hated school but nit learning, she humans specialy the crowd
She just wish she could blow them out.

She thought.

The sun arose proud and loud at the sky giving off exaggerated heat.

It was hot and so was the people's head.

Students, whether college  or high-school, are in a hurry searching for their assigned classroom,

Everyone in the high school department  were stumbling on their feets as they heard the bell rang,screaming on their ears louder than their mother's voice as if they were being awaken at 5 in the morning.

Ofcourse, aside from the woman who walked with her head up,hazel brown eyes looking straight but as if staring at nowhere yet managed to look arrogantly radiant.

Everyone who was almost on a stampede in the corridor stopped at the sight of the woman who wore their uniform,yet looks so superior.

They were in literal shock but still managed to move their asses away from the woman's way as they stare at her.
Some nervously, some with hate,some with crushes but mostly with a trembling knees.

The woman sighed as she rolled her eyes at the scene.

It was the same thing that she hated every year,the attention that was given to her was annoying on her part.

Without looking ,she turned around,only to bump to  a girl with an average height and body,
Her complexion was fair,
Nose are pointed and her pink and fleshy lips are thin .

The woman with an arrogant aura did not realized that she was staring at the other,
She goes from her lips to her nose and now to her cute little eyes that was dark yet they glimmer, sparkle , shaming the stars.

Her heart was beating in  an abnormally fast way,Like as if she just finished running for an hour,she couldn't even breath properly.
Her chest would rise and fall while  her hands became sweaty.

It was  her! Damn it!

She thought.

On  the other hand,the girl with such sparkling eyes cleared her throat,awakening the woman in front of her.

"sorry,I  didn't see you coming "she uttered with her eyes on the woman's, her cheeks were burning red.

The other didn't want to look arrogant yet not weak or easy to tame.

"Neither did I notice you"
She gave a slight smile and nodded before going the other way.

The latter then gave a friendly smile,as she let the other  woman pass her by.

While she continued to walk,

Damn it! I shouldve get her number!

The girl thought,

Wow,she smells really nice!
I'd love to stare at those eyes the whole day,hmm..

"Aww!" She uttered as she touched her head.

"Yow bitch! You found our room?" A girl who looks just exactly like her,but is smaller in size blurted,
It was her best bud, Patricia.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance, "you're talking to the owner of the university you're attending at!" SHe hissed.

Patricia laughed at her friend's reaction.

"So what,im the bestest of the best of the owner of this university " she chuckled.

"I hate you pat."
The latter said as they stopped their tracks in front of a class room.

"Oh there it is, room 213"
She said with a hint of nervousness in her voice,her head released beads of sweat.

"Okay? So we gotta get in?" Pat said almost like asking,
She finds it weird how her friend was reacting.

"Is there something wrong?" Pat continued.

The other held on her index finger,bitibg her lower lip as she phased back and fort with her eyes stribg down on the floor.

Patricia held her by her arm ,her eyebrows furrowed.
"What the is wrong bro?"
Asked her.

"I don't know" the latter paused.
She looked at pat for a brief seconds and then went back on staring at the floor.
"My heart,man It feels like it wants to barge out of ny chest"
She sid nervously.

"Wait what do you mean?"
PAt asked a bit lost, is her friend nervous? SHe doesn't think so,it's just the first day of their last year as a highschool,it would be weird for her to feel nervous.

The other one let out a heavy sigh as she closed her eyes.

''Im nervous " she uttered.

"I don't know why bro,I can't explain it" added she.

Patricia just then smiled at her.
"Okay then,put that thing aside okay? We gotta get our asses on their rightful chair."
Pat then motioned to open the door.

As soon as they stepped their feet inside, they saw the woman they least expect to see.


Hi loves ❤
Can I get a vote to continue or nah?
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