chapter 6

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"That subject is stronger than I thought..." Jeanine ponders as her and Kathryn observe an serum experiment together.

"He is strong. I've known him the whole way through school."

"But you and I both know that his chances of survival the next time are slim. Especially after that stunt he pulled." Jeanine says rather bluntly.

"After this can I see him just one last time?"

Jeanine sighs and looks at her digital watch briefly.

"Considering the current circumstances, I will allow it, on one condition."

"What is it?"

"Etha-" Jeanine re-iterates. "The subject, he's not to be trusted now, understand? I'm sending a guard to accompany you."

"I can cope with him on my own isn't he already disabled?"

"He's already put one of our best men in the clinic. Shattered his pelvis. He did that while he was malnourished and in pain, I can't risk anything happening to you."

"But he knows me well he would never attack me, I trust him."

Jeanine changes subject. She's more cold than usual today, something weighs on her mind.

"He's divergent Kat, they behave differently to us. Just do it for me. How are your studies?"

"Ok I'll do it with a guard as long as he is outside. The studies are going well, i'm still looking into improving more of the serums but it is all going well."

"That's good to hear, we're accelerating the serum development programme. I think you can keep up though - that's why I recommended you there."

"I think I can keep up. What about seeing Ethan do you agree?"

"I don't agree, but if it is something you feel you must do, then so be it. You know my opinions on the matter, but upon reflection I believe it is time for you to start making your own decisions."

"Thank you"

They both watch in silence as the experiment concludes, with Jeanine acting a little off throughout their acquaintance.

Kathryn made her way to the medical bay, unsurprisingly there was higher security now, with armed guards around most corners. The guard waited just outside the room with Ethan resting inside. As Kathryn went to walk into the room, the guard stopped her.

"I need you to identify yourself."

"I'm kathryn Matthews" Holding her ID badge up.

"Jeanine's daughter, hmmm. Well I got orders to accompany anyone inside. I hope that's alright."

"I agreed with my mother that I would be able to go in alone. Please."

The heavily built guard rolled his eyes, and stepped aside. "Don't be long."

"Thank you"

Kathryn entered the room. Ethan was alone in his bed. He had monitoring equipment over his body and the faint sound of an ECG was heard.

Ethan's leg was covered well and wrapped in clean white cloth. Erudite bullets were top of the range, with the bullet passing through flesh the majority of the times. Ethan was lucky to still be able to move his leg, although it was painful.

Kathryn stood next to the bed over Ethan. She looked him up and down, unable to relate to his situation.

"It hurts so much Kat."

"I know, it should hopefully pass soon it will just take time."

"You know..." Ethan coughed. "...As well as I do, I don't have much time left, I can't pass that serum." His voice was raspy and empty.

"What did you do? What happened? I saw you get hit."

"I had to escape, you don't understand. I just had to. Jeanine came into my room." Ethan paused again, catching his breath. "She knows I'm going to fail, I think she wants me to." Ethan began to choke up. "I'm not safe here."

"I'm doing the best I can to keep you safe here but my powers are limited. I know you need to get out but it's going to take planning and the correct timin-"

Ethan just stared through Kathryn, not hearing her properly. "I'm a dead man, I'll die in here. There's nothing I can do but just sit and wait." Ethan started to sob and pints of tears quickly flooded his eyes. "My family must be so disappointed, and there's nothing I can do...There's nothing...just pain" Ethan breathed in and out, sucking in air and tears, broken.

"I'm going to help you get out" Kathryn sternly whispered to Ethan.

Ethan spoke loudly. "How could you help? You said it yourself you can't do anything. I'll die here, I'm sorry I put you through this. I'm sorry..."

Kathryn put her index finger over her lips to signal Ethan to quieten down, as the guard glanced at them.

"But I have this, it can help you for now in the simulations."

Kathryn showed the long needle of the syringe she hid up her sleeve. Ethan gawped at it, before noticing the guard peering over and looked back down suspiciously.

The guard looked away but instead leaned to the door and asked. "Everything alright in there?".

"Everything is fine thank you." Kathryn quickly replied.

The guard shrugged and looked back the other way.

Ethan's face looked surprised, wiping the tears off his cheek. "What...w-what is that thing?"

"It is another serum but don't worry it will help. I especially designed it and sneaked it into the lab last night. It will decrease the intensity of the other serums effects and shorten the time you are in it."

Kathryn's neck swivelled around to check the guard. He was still looking away. Kathryn slid the syringe under his mattress, concealing it. Ethan looked more serious now and less light-headed.

"Take it in around thirty or so hours, I don't think they are going to do anything more at the moment with your weakened state. Then it should last another 48 hours after taking it."

Ethan looked a little overwhelmed, waiting for Kathryn to say something reassuring.

Kathryn looked him straight in the eye, with a deep meaning to her words."We can do this, together." Kathryn acted reassuring, like a light in the valley of darkness. "I will try to keep my mother off your back for a couple of days but no promises. Something has happened recently with this situation that i'm not too sure about. She is different now but I will try.....we will get you out of here." She said with complete certainty and an air of motivation.

Ethan nodded, without saying anything. Kathryn left the room and the guard watched as she left the medbay area.

Ethan groaned as he tried to move. He was just about to fall back asleep when he noticed a pair of pills on his bedside table. They read 'Solpadol'. Ethan almost managed a smirk as he chugged down the pills quickly and laid back down. The guard came back in the room, almost looking for trouble. He looked under his bed and around the medical equipment.

"She didn't give you anything did she?"

Ethan shook his head, trying to look as innocent as possible.

"I don't believe you boy." The guard was from an African decent, muscular and had a low, menacing tone.

"If I may, I was born into Candor sir." Ethan played on the guard's ignorance. The guard looked at him blankly. "So what?"

"Honestly sir, I cannot lie. Everyone from Candor faction has to tell the truth, it's in our DNA. Even if I wanted to lie to you I couldn't, I assure you."

The guard remained unconvinced, but had other concerns on his mind and he left with an attitude.

Ethan snuggled down, a Candor with the ability to lie was a dangerous thing indeed.

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