chapter 17

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Kathryn's body ached from the long day before. Kathryn murmured a verbal command to shut her alarm down. She knew to wake up early, have a nutritious breakfast and be out the door prepared for maximum efficiency. She slid off her bed and began changing into clean Erudite clothes. They were your typical blue dress and black heels, similar to what Jeanine wore day-to-day. Kathryn knew that image was important in Erudite, factions had dress codes for a reason, and Erudite needed to be top of the line. Kathryn always made sure she had enough time for her breakfast, which consisted of fresh vegetables from Amity, genetically modified to be more nutritious for Erudite. Kathryn didn't have much need for good-tasting food, her enjoyment was in her work rather than her preferences. It was easy to see why other Erudites envied her, she was the perfect role-model for her faction.

The next step of her morning routine was make small-talk with Jeanine, as they rarely had time nearer the evenings. It was the usual chat as they got ready to leave...

"Hello mum. Are you working in the labs again today?"

Jeanine tutted as she speedily scrolled through info on her datapad.

"I'm afraid not, I have lots of upcoming plans...I'll only be round the corner though."

"Ok, am I working with Megan today?"

Jeanine had a delayed reply, perplexed by some new data. "That's right."

Before both leave for Jeanine's car, she makes up for her lack of attention to Kathryn.

"If Megan gives you any issues, I won't be far...let's just see how today goes, okay Kat?"

The driver is sat there waiting silently, the car doors fly open, ready for them both.

"Ok , I will try and make it work. I understand she is the best in her field and we need to combine skills to make this work." Kathryn understood the importance of the project, but wouldn't underestimate Megan's...flaws.

Jeanine gave Kathryn that same look when she's proud. It was a rare sight, but Kathryn smiled as they entered the car and jetted off to the Erudite compound.

"I will let you know if I hear anything back from the Factionless and Ethan"

Most times Jeanine and Kathryn got to Erudite by Jeanine's personal car. It was super-efficient and could travel very quick, taking into account that there was virtually no traffic. Kathryn and Jeanine left the car and headed to the reception area of Erudite. The receptionist didn't smile at Kathryn this time in the presence of Jeanine. Up the elevator, and there...Jeanine's private labs is where Kathryn would be working for the majority of the development season. Kathryn scanned her card across the detector on the wall, opening the door to the lab to find Megan already waiting on a lab stool, with a suspicious letter in her hand.

"What is that?" Kathryn worried, and was a little agitated of how unexpectedly early Megan was.

Megan had the same tone as always, but something seemed a little different about her.

"It's a letter...from your little boyfriend here...How cute..." Megan smirked, not sure if just joking or deliberately mocking Kathryn.

"He is not by boyfriend and is a divergent and a killer. Now give it here." Kathryn defensively demanded, Megan always brought out the more emotional side of her.

Kathryn reached for the letter, but Megan wretched it back, teasingly.

"Hold up there Kat..." Kathryn glares at her.

Kathryn hears Megan out for a minute, Megan looks sincere for once.

"I really didn't think you had it in you. Breaking a divergent out? Whoa...that's some hardcore stuff, even for me." Kathryn endured as Megan seemed a little over-excited.

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