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Queste sono le "canzoni" che James Newton Howard ha composto per Catching Fire (La Ragazza Di Fuoco):

•I Had To Do That
•We Have Visitors
•Just Friends
•Mockingjay Graffiti
•The Tour
•Daffodil Waltz
•Waltz in A (Op. 30, No. 15)
•Horn Of Plenty
•The Quarter Quell
•Katniss Is Chosen
•Introducing The Tributes
•There's Always A Falw
•Bow And Arrow
•We're A Team
•Let's Start
•The Games Begin
•Peeta's Heart Stops
•The Fog
•Monkey Mutts
•I Need You
•Broken Wire
•Arena Crumbles
•Good Morning Sweetheart

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