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Jeonghan's POV

It happened all too quickly.

I tensed up when I felt him staring intensely at me after asking the question...

'What happened that night?'

I sighed and figured there was no use in hiding it, although he was the one who didn't want to find out until now. I opened my mouth to speak, but shut it as I hesitated and thought of the possible outcomes.

I saw him look at me and realized that I had pondered too deep in my thoughts; I smiled weakly and I began to say "Well, we had... Uh...Se-... Intercourse" I placed my hands on my cheeks feeling the warmth that had rushed towards them. It felt so embarrassing to say the actual word so I decided to use the mature term.

I watched his reaction to my response and I felt gutted seeing him tense up as I had done a few minutes earlier. It irked me at how he was disgusted at the fact that we made love... Well not love, but you understand where I was coming from. Masking the pain I looked back at him and saw that he was breathing steadily I carried on, "We were both drunk, I guess we were both drowning our sorrows away... I'm not too- sure as it is- was quite- hazy?" I shrugged and looked for a place to sit.

As I couldn't find anything I sat myself down on the floor, sighing I pulled my knees to my face and shut my eyes. My love life was officially over, not that it had begun anyways. Why did I have to screw up everything?

I looked up and saw him staring at me, it gave me chills it was as if he could see right through me. He coughed and then began "Everything is just all muddled up, the wrong order I guess. Let's restart shall we?" He proposed, I gave him a grin accepting his kind offer and patted the empty seat beside me on my right; signaling him to sit down.

I carefully observed his movements and saw how he was trying to hide his cautiousness. Once he sat down I introduced myself, "Well let's see, I'm Yoon Jeong Han, Korean... Er and... I was born on October 4 1995" I twiddled with my thumbs a bit and tucked a strand of hair back behind my ear; I had really long hair, for a guy, and I had to take of it - which means certain hair products to maintain its silkiness and shine. I can't have too many showers as it'll damage it.

Okay, enough about my hair I urged him saying that it was his turn. He gave me an awkward smile, "Well my name is Hong Ji Soo I am Korean, but I was born and brought up in LA, America; my English name is Joshua. I was born on December 30 1995". His voice was so soft and smooth almost like silk, I smirked triumphantly once I found out I was a couple months older than him.

The rest of our conversation went smoothly; we talked about many things like: music, food, my hair, America; which languages Jisoo could speak fluently, religion and many other things that were not as important, but were still very entertaining. We hadn't noticed the time until it was 11:43 and Soonyoung told us that the party had finished early due to some circumstances - I was upset then I looked over to my right and saw his face was just as disappointed as mine which made me smile internally.

I patted his back, and stood up "Don't worry I'm sure we'll meet some other time... Bye, bye!" I flashed him a smile and begrudgingly strolled to the door.

I stopped, looked back and found myself being restrained by Jisoo. He looked at me and then his hand and he quickly let go "Er... Um... Sorry, I was caught up in the moment" I could barely hear what he said near the end of the sentence as he trailed off.

I grasped the situation before and it hit me, "Wanna get a drink with me?" I saw his eyes light up slightly and to my delight he nodded.

Jisoo's POV

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