Chapter Two

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Hello. As you all know, there's a full moon tonight. Plus I have a date with my boyfriend. I get up from my bed, filled with dread. How am I going to tell Grey that I can't go out today..? I think quietly. I jump up and brush my hair, putting on a little bit of makeup. I put on my favorite black and red flannel and black skinny jeans, finishing it off with my grey Vans. I hear my phone go off and I walk towards it, opening my phone, only to see I have a text from Grey. "Morning baby" he texted to me. "Hey Muffin" I text back, using my cute little nickname for him. Soon after, he texts back. "Ready for our date today?" I usually love that guestion.. But I didn't today. I didn't know how to say I can't go on a date today. I mean, what am I supposed to tell him? That I'm actually a werewolf?! No! He can't know! I just have to hope he finishes the date before nighttime. I text back "Of course c:" and get up. I walk to our kitchen, making some breakfast then putting away my dishes. I look at my phone, seeing another text. "On my way baby CX" I smile softly as I sit down on the couch. A few minutes later, I hear the doorbell. I jump up and skip to the door, swinging it open and seeing my favorite person, Grey. I smile at him and let him in, kissing his cheek "Hey babe." I say to him. "Hey baby." He says back, smiling.


After our date, we kiss each other goodbye and hug one more time. I smile as I bite his nose playfully. I frown as I know he has to leave before its time. "Bye baby" he says, stroking my cheek. I smile and bite my lip softly "Bye Muffin". Grey leaves as I stay there frowning, not wanting him to leave but knowing he has to. I look outside and she the moon, slowly getting brighter, knowing its time to get ready. I walk into my room, pulling my hair back into a ponytail and taking off my makeup. I check the clock, its time. I walk outside, seeing my family already there. We all transform into our werewolf selves. I soon as I'm done transforming, I see my family has already left to go hunting. I hear the sound of foot steps on the wooden floors inside our home. I turn around, only to see the person I dreaded to see. Greyson. My eyes widen as I see him in fear and shock.


I walk inside Josephine's home, knowing I'm welcome when ever to come in. I forgot my phone, remember I left it on the couch. I walk into her living room, seeing my phone on the couch, right where I left it. I hear noises and voices from outside. I look out the back door window, seeing Josephine and three wolves. I freak out, thinking she will get hurt, but I see all the wolves run off into the forest behind her house. Then, I see Josephine transform into some kind of werewolf. I freak out, more and more. She looks at me.. Well, her wolf self. Then, suddenly, everything is black.


I see my love, Grey, fall to the floor, fainting from shock. I softly pick him up. I bring him back into the house. I softly lay him down in my bed. I walk back out side, ashamed of how he found out. I run out back with my family, waiting for him to wake up...

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