Chapter 12(Final)

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"Momma, Lauren get up!"

Lauren groaned against the pillow when she felt Isabella crawl onto her back and push against her shoulders.

"Christmas! Come on." Isabella yelled, shaking Lauren's shoulders.

"Ok, I'm up." Lauren murmured as she pushed herself up onto her elbows and ran her hands over her face.

"Captain is already downstairs looking after the presents."

"Ok, baby, why don't you head downstairs and we will be down in a second." Isabella nodded, bouncing off Lauren's back and rushing downstairs. "Don't open any of the presents until we are down."

"Oh my god." Lauren groaned, leaning her head against Camila's shoulder.

"Mm. Welcome to Christmas with a young child." Camila groaned, pressing her lips to Lauren's head before sitting up. "You can stay up here and sleep if you want, come down when you've had enough sleep."

"No. No, I'm coming down with you guys." Lauren insisted, lifting her head to look at Camila.

"Ok, let's go then." Camila pecked Lauren quickly on the lips before rolling out of bed and pulled on a pair of sweats, reaching for Lauren's hoodie.

"That's mine." Lauren grinned as Camila pulled the hoodie over her head.

"Mine now." Camila shrugged, nodding towards the door. "Put one of mine one if you want."

Lauren nodded, grabbing the blue hoodie from the back of the door and followed Camila downstairs.

"I wanna open this one first." Isabella announced holding up a big present as they walked into the living room.

"Ok, open it." Camila nodded, sitting down on the sofa.

"I'm going to go make pancakes." Lauren whispered to Camila, pecking her on the temple before heading into the kitchen.

Lauren made the pancakes for herself, Camila and Isabella before heading back into the living room where Isabella had already ripped open more than half of her presents.

"Thank you."

Lauren sat down beside Camila, smiling as she watched Isabella shred open her presents, stopping every so often to play with a toy she particularly liked before going back to the unopened ones.

"Momma, can I play with this? Can you fix it!" Isabella ran over, holding the box for a remote control helicopter out to her mom.

"Of course you can." Camila took the box from Isabella and began opening it.

"Merry Christmas, monkey." Lauren said, grabbing Isabella and pulling her into a hug, playfully kissing her face repeatedly.

Isabella laughed, pushing at Lauren's shoulder. "Stop."

Lauren let go of Isabella who instantly picked up the controller from the sofa.

"Ok, let got out to the back yard to fly this." Camila pushed herself off the sofa and lead the way outside, switching on the helicopter and setting it on the table. "Just move that little joystick up to fly it and move that one to control it."

isabella nodded, making the toy take off only for it to land in the snow a few seconds later.

After a few more tried Isabella managed to keep you toy up in the air for more than ten seconds before it hit the ground.

The rest of the morning consisted of isabella moving from toy to toy and Lauren and Camila going between watching TV and watching isabella.

"Lets just got to dinner in our pajamas." Lauren suggested when she noticed it was almost time for her to get up to go get ready.

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