Chapter 1

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"You know, I heard the neighbor is hot." Harry said as he and Lauren walked into their new house. Lauren didn't know how he managed to spin this one all she knew was that she didn't want to live alone and Harry wasn't competent enough to live alone.
"Yeah?" Lauren mumbled completely disinterested in what he was saying.
"Uh huh. Niall and Dinah know her apparently. And she's in the same dance class as Normani so, in Niall's words, she has a banging body and a bum to die for."
"S'that right" Lauren muttered, she was to busy sorting through papers to listen to him right now.
"You aren't even listening to me."
"No, Harry, I'm not. I'm trying to make sure everything is in order."
"It is, Lauren. Or else they wouldn't have let us move in. Now let's go relax out back before we have to start unpacking."
Lauren nodded, setting the paper down on the table and following Harry out to the back yard. "I'm going to see what state the shed is in."
Lauren just nodded, taking a seat on the steps.
"Hi," a voice said, making Lauren frown and look to her left where a little girl was standing looking at her through the fence.
"I'm Isabella Cabello and I live here." The little girl pointed towards the house. "What's your name?"
"I'm Lauren Jauregui and I live here." Lauren pointed back towards her house, smiling over at the young girl.
Isabella nodded, sitting down on the decking like Lauren was, "My mommy said I shouldn't talk to strangers."
"Your mom is a wise woman."
"But you aren't a stranger, right?"
"No, I'm your new neighbor but don't talk to any other strangers."
"What about him?" Isabella pointed over to Harry who was holding up a glass jar to get a better look at what was in it.
"That's Harry, he's ok." the child nodded, "How old are you?"
"I'm four and three quarters"
Lauren chuckled "Wow, almost the big zero five, huh?"
"I want a pony."
"I always wanted a skateboard when I was a kid."
"Maybe you can get one for you next birthday. what age are you?"
"I'm twenty one and five twelfths."
"I will try and save up to get you a skateboard."
Lauren smiled, "That's sweet but it's ok. Do you want a daisy chain?"
The little girl nodded fast, standing on the bottom of the fence to look over at Lauren.
"Bella, off the fence." a voice yelled from inside and Isabella did as she was told, kneeling next to the fence.
"That's my mommy, she's making dinner."
"Ooh, anything tasty?" Lauren asked, focusing on the flowering in front of her.
"Dinosaur nuggets."
"Harry loves dinosaur nuggets."
"Does he want to come in and get some?"
"That's nice but we're going to McDonalds for dinner."
"Oh can I come?"
"Maybe next time, cutie. But I'll bring you back a balloon, how does that sound?" Isabella nodded, smiling as Lauren wrapped the daisy chain around her wrist "Now you go in and eat all of your nuggets, ok?"
"Good, I'll give you the balloon tomorrow." Lauren tapped Isabella lightly on the nose making the child giggle. "Bye"
Isabella waved as she climbed to her feet and ran off into the house. "Harry, McDonalds?"
"Fabulous idea." Harry agreed, closing up the shed and shaking his hair. "I'm pretty sure that shed had spiders. Loads of them."
"I'm losing my mind." Lauren huffed, looking at the mess of boxes.
"We should take a break, we've been unpacking all last night and this morning."
"Good idea, let's go outside."
"Oh, looks like miss neighbor is out." Harry nodded over towards the other yard as he picked up the hose to water the almost dead plants.
Lauren turned and practically squeaked when she saw the woman sitting on the decking reading a book. She didn't really look old enough to have a four year old daughter but there was no doubt that was Isabella's mom, she was like a miniature clone.
"Close your mouth Jauregui, you're catching flies."
"She's ..."
"Wow, Lauren Jauregui speechless? Never thought I'd see the day."
Lauren jumped when the woman looked up at her. Lauren quickly turned away and began following after Harry, trying to pretend she wasn't staring. "Let me try?" Lauren tried to take the hose from Harry but the boy didn't let it go.
"No Lauren, I wanna do it."
"Give it, Harry."
"No, I had it first."
"What are you, six?"
"Lauren, stop!" Harry whinnied, his hand accidentally slipping and turning on the hose sending a spray of water over Lauren.
Harry laughed "Neighbor is looking over." Harry watch the woman's eyes travel down Lauren's body and stopping at her butt "Ah and she's an ass girl."
"I'm going inside." Lauren huffed.
"Just play with your damn hose."
Harry laughed, decided it was better to not go after Lauren and just finished watering the plants before going in after her, "You aren't wet anymore."
"Fuck you."
"I'm going to finish packing the stuff in my room."
"Ok, don't get into another fight with a hose."
"Bite me, Styles." Lauren called as she walked up stairs, sighing at the mountain of boxes. "Better get this over with."
It took Lauren about two hours to finish unpack the boxes but she was exhausted and apparently so was Harry because when she walked down stairs he was passed out on the sofa.
"Hi," a voice piped as she walked out to the back yard making her smile.
"Hi, and I thought you'd forgot me today." Lauren said, looking down at the girl in the other garden.
Isabella shook her head, "I was at my play group . I've done a finger painting for mommy but it wasn't dry so I had to leave it."
"Your moms a lucky girl. I'll be right back." Lauren disappeared back into the house and got the balloon she's gotten yesterday before walking out and handing it to Isabella.
The little girls face instantly lit up, "Mommy look!"
"If it's another spider, put it down sweetie."
"No, mommy look." A woman appeared at the door, smiling at her daughter before looking at Lauren.
"Did you say thank you, sweetie?" The woman asked, walking over to her daughter and picking her up.
"Thank you."
"No worries."
"Are you going to tell me who your friend is?"
"This is Lauren. Lauren this is mommy"
Lauren chuckled, leaning against the fence. "Mommy, huh?"
"You look different when you're dry."
"It was a new look I was dabbling with, wasn't really me though." Lauren shrugged, grinning when Camila giggled.
"Oh, mommy a butterfly" Isabella wriggled out of the woman's arms and ran off to where the butterfly was.
"Don't touch the bad plants!" The brunette yelled before turning back to Lauren. "Are you the one who made her a daisy chain?"
"Yeah, she offered to buy me a skateboard, it was the least I could do."
"She has it floating in water thinking it will stop the daisies from dying. She went on about you all night, about how you were getting her a balloon and how the boy with the curls likes dino nuggets, too."
"She's sweet."
"Do you live here now?"
"Yea, Harry and I."
"And Harry is, what? Boyfriend."
"Best friend" Lauren corrected with a chuckled, "He's incapable of living stag and I just didn't want to."
"Ah, scared of the dark." The woman grinned, crossing we arms over her chest and leaning against the wall.
"No, I'm scared of the things in it."
"Oh, well, Bella has a night light that she doesn't use anymore if you would like a loan of that?"
"Ah, you're the 'funny type' huh?"
"Ah, ass girl." Harry said, grinning at the woman.
"What? she is an ass girl. "
"Curls!" Isabella called, holding her hands out to Harry and wiggling her fingers signing for him to come over.
"Careful kid or you'll lose the balloon. Here this is what my mom use to do what I had a balloon." Harry took the balloon from the young girl and tied the string loosely around her wrist. "There, now you can go treasure hunting and still have the balloon."
"There's treasure here?" Isabella whispered, looking up at Harry with wide eyes.
"There is and we could find it with my metal detector."
"Oh can we do it?" Isabella gasped.
"You'll have to ask your mom." Harry said, looking up at Isabella's mom.
"Can I mommy, can I please?"
"Sure, no spiders!"
Isabella nodded, holding her hands out for Harry to lift her over the fence. "Let me just go get my metal detector and I'll come back and get you ok?" Harry rushed into the house.
"Scared of spiders, huh?"
"How'd you know?"
"Just a hunch." Lauren shrugged, grinning slightly.
"Right come on kid, let's find us some treasure." Harry lifted Isabella over the fence and placing a pirate hat on her head. "Pirate Isabella." The young girl laughed as she and Harry began walking down the yard with the metal detector.
"Since I apparently have a babysitter for the next while do you wanna come over?"
Lauren nodded, "Sure."
"Then climb on over." The woman held out her hand which Lauren took to help her climb over.
"I hear you know Normani, Niall and Dinah?""
"Yeah, we're friends, I dance with Normani." The brunette said as both girls took a seat on a lawn chair. "How do you know them? Did you move from somewhere near here?"
"Nah, I went to school with Normani and Dinah back in Miami and Harry's the one that knows Niall."
"Did you only move here because of them?"
"Partly. They found us this house but I would've been moving here anyway. I'm applying for NYU next year and Harry is applying to Juilliard for music. He has a job singing at this bar right now but he's talking to a few record labels. What about you? What do you do?"
"I'm in my last year of law school."
"Yeah, I always enjoyed an argument.
Lauren laughed, "Who do you live here with?"
"Just Isabella and I."
"And, uh, her dad?"
"He isn't around."
"Oh, sorry, I shouldn't of asked."
"No it's fine. Sleeping with him was kind of my way of trying to prove that I wasn't gay. It didn't work, it was a disaster actually."
"Except you got Isabella."
The woman smiled slightly, looking over at the toddler who was standing glaring up at a soda can tab in disgust.
"She looks just like you. When I saw you today I know straight off that you were her mom. She beautiful."
"Is that's your subtle way of saying I'm beautiful?"
Lauren shrugged, "Maybe. What is your actual name, by the way?"
"Camila but if you still want to call me mommy that's cool."
"I'll think about it." Lauren shrugged, grinning over at Camila.
"Mommy look!" Isabella called, running over to the fence.
"What did you find, sweetie?"
"It's a quarter"
"Well, aren't you just my little pirate!" Camila picked up Isabella and helped her over the fence, kissing her head when she had her safely in her arms. "I better go start making her dinner but I'll see you later, maybe?"
"Ok, yeah." Lauren agreed, smiling over at Camila as she climbed over the fence into her own garden.
"Ask her to come over later. Everyone is coming over for a house warming party." Harry hissed into Lauren's ear, nudging the girls shoulder.
"Hey, Camila, wait." Lauren called just before Camila walked into her house.
Camila stopped and turned to look at Lauren, smiling at the girl who was leaning against the fence.
"We're having a party tonight, well it's more of a get together, Normani will be there, Niall and Dinah, too. Do you want to come? Isabella can crash in my bed until you leave."
"How does that sound, Pirate?" Camila asked, smiling down at her daughter.
Isabella nodded, taking her hat off and holding it out to Harry.
"You keep it, Pirate. Never know what you might need it."
"So, see you around six?" Lauren ask and Camila nodded.
"Bye Lauren. Bye Curls."
"Bye, sweetie." Lauren smiled.
"Bye, pirate. Bye, pirate mom." Harry waved at the young girl.
"I'll see you later, than." Camila smiled, heading into her house to make dinner.

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